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Elements Involved in Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim in Boston

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Submitted by simonhopes on Mon, 01/09/2023 - 03:55

Medical malpractice can be termed when a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, or hospital, fails to provide a standard level of care and causes injury to a patient. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, you may be entitled to hold the responsible person accountable for the negligence and seek monetary compensation for your damages with the help of Boston personal injury attorney. Here are the elements involved in filing a medical malpractice claim in the United States.

Duty of care
The first element of a medical malpractice claim is the duty of care owed by the healthcare professional to the patient. This means the healthcare professional has a legal obligation to provide a certain level of care and act in the patient's best interests.

Breach of duty
The second element of a medical malpractice claim is the breach of the duty of care owed by the healthcare professional to the patient. This means that the healthcare professional failed to provide the standard level of care required by law and that this failure caused the patient's injuries.

Causation is an essential element, which means that the healthcare professional's breach of duty was the direct cause of the patient's injuries. To prove this element, the patient must show that the healthcare professional's actions or inaction directly caused the injuries and that the injuries would not have occurred if the healthcare professional had acted appropriately.

The fourth element of a medical malpractice claim is damage, which refers to the harm or injury suffered by the patient due to the healthcare professional's breach of duty. Damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.
Expert testimony

In most states, medical malpractice claims require expert testimony to establish the standard of care owed by the healthcare professional and to prove that the healthcare professional breached this standard. This means that the patient must present testimony from a medical expert who can explain to the court or jury how the healthcare professional's actions or inaction fell below the standard of care.

Filing a medical malpractice claim in the United States involves several elements, including the duty of care owed by the healthcare professional, the breach of this duty, causation, damages, and expert testimony. Suppose you have been the victim of medical malpractice. In that case, it is important to consult with a medical malpractice attorney to determine if you have a valid claim and to understand the steps involved in filing a claim.