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elegant.Atwood s comments

Submitted by Mollymao on Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:33

ver perpetrated on the North American public.Many highly expensive yet life-saving drugs do not have Health Canada approval either because the necessary trials have not yet been completed or because the diseases they treat are so rare that drug companies have no incentive to invest in Canadian approval even though the drug may already be approved in the U.Without that approval , or DIN, private insurance companies and even Trillium refuse to cover the often-massive costs.Further, expensive drugs, even if approved, may be covered in one province but not another.Perhaps we do not need full-blown Pharmacare just yet.If the goal is to make drugs available to all who need them, why not first start with coverage for the financially devastating costs associated with drugs for cancers and rare diseases that are too often denied for one bureaucratic reason or another.Secondly, the provinces need to level the playing field.Steven Scheffer, Burlington, Ont.Changing coloursRe: Where Have All The Fiscal Conservatives Gone?Where have all the fiscal conservatives gone?They became Libertarians and proclaim their fiscally conservative opinions in relative obscurity.This will only change when mainstream media finally pays as much attention to the Libertarian small-government views as it currently provides for the big-government views of the blue, red, orange and Green parties.Gene Balfour, Thornhill, Ont.Judging rightsRe: Don’t Tread On Indiana, John Robson, April 7.There should be no doubt that a person’s human rights trump religious rights.another person’s gender, colour, ethnic background, religion or atheism.For example, if a person in the employ of a government agency has the right to perform marriages and that person refuses to perform that duty because of any of the aforementioned reasons, then that person should not be allowed to keep that position and should be terminated.A restaurant owner should never be allowed to refuse service to any person who does not fit into their religious beliefs.Scientific evidence already proves that a person has no control over whether or not they are gay, bisexual, or any other sexual category.As well , there is overwhelming evidence that the universe was not created by G-d.So who is to say that religious beliefs are the be all and end all?Sidney Chelsky, Thornhill, Ont.Wrongly wailingRe: It’s Good To Be Us, Robert Fulford, April 4.I bristle when well-meaning critics wail, out of all proportion, about the crises in our political and economic system, making our civilization appear ‘despicable.Most places in the world would gladly choose our problems over their own.Frances Hellen, Toronto.Ypres neglectedRe: ‘It’s The Least We Can Do,’ April 4.It puzzles me why we celebrate the Canadian Army victory at Vimy Ridge in 1917, but ignore the equally important stand of the Canadian division at the Second Battle of Ypres in spring 1915.Newly arrived in Europe and thrust into the line between a British division and a French corps, the Canadians maintained the defensive line despite being gassed in the first such attack of the war.The French corps collapsed; the Canadians were obliged to extend their thin line to cover the entire French front as well as their own.Despite massive casualties, they did so and prevented a potential breakthrough.This battle was the only significant operation recorded in the official Canadian history of the war, which was never completed.We should regard it as the beginning of Canada’s growth to nationhood.Charles Hooker, East Garafraxa, Ont.Making cakeRe: Apple And Walmart Have No Business Casting Stones, Rex Murphy, April 4.Let me see if I got this straight.A Christian baker cannot refuse, on the grounds of worldview and principles, to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple.Yet the law societies in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia have decided that a lawyer who graduated from a university that holds its students to biblical guidelines for daily living is not allowed to practice in their jurisdictions.Is that what they mean by inclusivity?And thanks to Murphy for pointing out the hypocrisy in the newly adopted stance by some large corporations.Also in Canada we recently had some good examples of that type of behaviour.Bill Smouter , Mount Hope, Ont.Margaret Atwood has roused indignation among British royal watchers by telling a museum audience in London that Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, has a boring sense of style, likely does not choose her own clothes and has not lived up to Princess Diana s stature as a fashion icon.For a nation eagerly anticipating the birth of a second child to the 33-year-old Duchess and Prince William, the most attractive royal couple since Charles met Diana, those are fighting words.I think she dresses quite uneventfully, said the Canadian literary icon, whose new book The Heart Goes Last is to be released in September.I think she s watching her back.I think she probably has people who pretty much tell her what is appropriate for her to wear.I don t think she s become the fashion plate that Diana was, and I think she s probably doing that advisedly, wouldn t you say?As video of the recent exchange circulated on the Internet, royal watchers leapt to defend the Duchess.You re a bit limited if you re a member of the Royal Family.You ve got to dress as if you re going to a wedding every day, Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine, told the U.I think Kate s style is really classic and elegant.Atwood s comments can be heard about 56 minutes into the video embedded below.Fashion writer Susan Kelley, who runs a website devoted to Kate s clothing and the sales bump that inevitably follows her appearance in a new outfit, noted in the same report that Diana was much younger when she became a princess, had less time to develop her own style, and as a result was more influenced by trends of the day.The reaction recalls the episode in 2013 when Hilary Mantel, also a Booker winner and author of historical novels.