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Difference Between Organic fertilizer v/s Inorganic Fertilizer

Yes, yes, we know you might have already read about this a lot of times from different sources. Organics v/s inorganics is more of a preference than a debate based on the type of nutrient one like to deliver to the soil profile and the trajectory of treatment we seek to impart. In the article below, we explore the different benefits both organic and inorganic fertilizers offer and their limitations. 

  • Organic fertilizers, also known as Bio Fertilizers, are known to release their nutrient slowly into the soil. Hence they allow the roots of plants and the soil to assimilate the nutrients in a more complete manner. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are characterized by the quick release of nutrients into the soil and hence boost its nutrient composition in quick succession. 
  • Organic fertilizers are known to be high in organic content such as manure and mosses, which enrich the humus present in the soil. Being made with plant and animal products processed in a scientific environment, Organic fertilizers provide you with the flexibility to add nutrients without damaging the environment, with any harmful chemicals. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, are enriched with specific chemicals to boost a particular attribute of your soil. Magnesium Sulphate Fertilizers and Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer are known to boost the nutrient intake property of plants for a greater yield. 
  • Organic fertilizers, by nature of their comparatively small shelf life and perishable nature, come at a premium over their inorganic counterparts. However, being formulated naturally, one can enrich or form them in their backyard, while inorganics, on the other hand, are factory-made on a stricter yardstick of the standard to provide specific inputs.

On the limitations front, organic fertilizers are slow in their application and even tricky to handle. They can even feed the pests already present in the soil, and hence boost their population and growth.
Inorganic fertilizers though known for their quick-release properties and nutrient-dense profiles, on regular application, can make soil alkaline and can even give rise to weeds competing for nutrients with crops. 
Hence, organics and inorganics come with their benefits and limitations. The key to a healthy yield is moderation and regulation. Healthy cycling of both, organic and inorganic fertilizers ensures nutrient-rich soil with better profile and content throughout.