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Diabetes Has Become A Risk in Men's Lives

After doing a word search on the word 5 Minute Manifestation Program mysteries and mystery I found that neither of these words are in the old testament The first time either of these words is mentioned in the Bible is Matthew 13:11, He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Jesus was teaching on the law of seedtime and harvest . He started the parable by saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow.

As long as Jesus was in the earth He could explain to a point the mysteries of the kingdom of God to His disciples but he told them that it was expedient that He go away because if He go away He would send the Spirit of Truth to the them that would teach them all the truth. He told them that He had many things to say to them but they could not understand them now, meaning that without the Holy Spirit dwelling in them these mysteries could not be fully revealed. Jesus also said of the Holy Spirit that He would not speak of himself but whatsoever he hear me say that shall he speak.

Paul said in another place, I speak in tongues more than you all. Why do you suppose Paul had all this revelation. Could it be because he talked to God in the Spirit more than any one else. I say yes it was. 1Corinthians 14:18 I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all. Why was Paul so thankful to be able to speak in tongues or in the spirit, or speak directly to God? This is how the mysteries were being revealed to him.The more we speak in the spirit in tongues the more of the mystery of God's wisdom will be revealed to our spirit. It is the revealed knowledge of God's word that causes change in our lives. It causes Christ to be formed in us. When Christ is living through us then His love is flowing out of us and His riches are flowing to us and through us.