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Everything is energy; quantum physicists are proving that daily, and that includes your business. If your business feels stuck or you know it could be better, this is vital information you can use right away. Knowing these The Commission Magnet triggers as keys to unlocking your business potential can save you time, resources and money by identifying what you might not even recognize as an issue.

Here are the top ten energy keys to having your most successful business.

Your business grows as you get your 'stuff' handled; that is, your business can grow only as fast as you do. If you haven't invested in your own personal development, that will limit your business growth because your business will reflect your limitations.

Fear is a sign that you're going beyond your comfort zone; if you don't experience fear at least once a week, you're not challenging yourself nor innovating beyond where you've been - if you're OK with that, great! But if you're feeling stuck, it's time to make friends with fear.

Your job is to stay clear on the priorities so your business can do what it needs to do. There's a lot of details to operationally running a business, including making sure your customers are happy, so you have to constantly and consistently sort through the details and make sure you're focused on the priorities. Ideally, you'll get systems in place to help you do that.

Fail forward faster; that is, don't get stuck in what didn't work. Instead, go out and do something different and do it as quickly as possible to minimize the loss of the thing that didn't work. However, as I say that, make sure that you're really managing a failure - sometimes entrepreneurs throw a marketing campaign out there but then think it's failed after the first week when there's been little response. You've got to know when to give something time and when to call it done. Fail forward faster.