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Celebrate Love in Style: Romantic Getaways deals for Valentine’s Day

Let this Valentine's Day bring you even closer. Celebrate love under the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower by sipping some delicious champagne. Plan a picnic in Luxembourg Gardens or search the northern lights with your special someone in Iceland. Get ready to surprise your loved one. To get the most benefits out of your spending, know how to get incredible valentine's day flight offers, and the best time to make the reservation. Read along to get all the details.
When can I plan the Valentine's Day getaway?
Valentine's Day getaway is ideally planned months before the festive week begins. Most travelers find amazing deals on flight tickets 4-6 weeks before the departure date. But you might also be able to find last-minute cheap tickets as the airlines reduce the price to increase sales last moment. 
What are the top destinations to visit in February?
The top destinations to visit are listed below.

  • Paris
  • Miami
  • London
  • New York
  • Cancun
  • Bali

Cheapest month to book the flight-
August and October are the months when you can get the cheapest flight tickets. After these months, major festivals take place, leading to an increase in the ticket price.
Cheapest days to travel during the Valentine's-
Generally, the flights on Tuesdays and Thursdays are cheap. You can book the flight on these days to grab discounted tickets. Avoid traveling during the weekends as the tickets are pricey because of an increased demand from travelers.
When is the best time to start searching for the flights?
Travelers begin the search months before Valentine's Day. Inevitably, you might find amazing deals even during the end of the month. Thus, the search may end up with you taking the flight in the month of March. It turns out to be an excellent deal as the weather is optimal in most destinations to explore the attractions.
Enhance your search by using the tips below to get the best deals-
Flexibility is key-
Be open to changing the destination and the date of travel. The tickets to certain destinations are cheaper in comparison to others. 
Subscribe to the get notified-
Most airlines offer several deals on tickets for Valentine's Day celebrations. You can subscribe to get the newsletter or an email to get alerts to grab huge discounts on the tickets.
Alternatively, follow the airline on its official page on social media platforms to know about the current deals.
Buy travel packages-
Instead of making several separate reservations, you can purchase packages that may cover flights, hotels, and even activities to do at an attraction. This will usually cost less. 
Hurry up and get the ball rolling using the information above. Besides, to relax and rejuvenate, search for Top islands to visit during the valentine's week to get a more distinct experience during the romantic getaway. Also, to get your hands on incredible deals with ease, you may call the customer service department of an airline and simply ask for it. You will get the right information effortlessly.