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Causes of Your Content's Poor Ranking

Causes of Your Content's Poor Ranking

You spend many hours perfecting your website and content only to have it rank poorly or not at all. You've researched keywords, optimized your website content for SEO best practices, and linked your site to all the necessary tools, but nothing has changed.
Why is it happening like that? Which strategy of yours has gone wrong that your content is not ranking? You can check out Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore for learning technical SEO and how to build a Website.
Even with all of Google's ranking algorithm in place, there are some issues responsible for the majority of bad rankings of your content are:

1. Don't Aim for competitive keywords.
More keyword competition means more work. If you're targeting incredibly competitive keywords and phrases, getting onto the first page of results will be difficult. Instead, concentrate your efforts on ranking for relevant long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are 3-5 word phrases that are searched for by users in your geographic area and market.

2. The internal link structure is inadequate.
Internal links are equally important for ranking as external ones. Google's search algorithms cannot recognise the relationships between your website's pages and articles unless you have an effective internal linking strategy.

3. Outdated Content.
Updating old material is an excellent strategy to enhance ranks, especially for key topics that are producing poor results. Begin by conducting a content audit and organizing your existing content by performance. Then, go over outdated and underperforming content to see whether it can be eliminated or changed.

4. Some Technical Website Issues
Building a website is tricky! Building a website to rank high on Google is even more difficult. So, the reasons your content isn't ranking could be due to technical issues with the website.

Common technical SEO concerns include:
Google is not indexing your website.
Errors in coding
You were hacked.
Concerns about personal privacy
The absence of an XML sitemap
Broken links

5. On-page optimization is Needed.
On-page SEO strategies are critical to a website's ranking possibilities. Without these features, Google and other search engines will struggle to understand what your website content is about. So learn On-Page SEO in Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore.

6. Your website does not support mobile devices.
If your website is still not mobile-friendly, you must make changes immediately. This design approach is no longer a fad, but rather a requirement. Using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test, you can see if your website is penalized for an unresponsive design. If your website does not pass the test, collaborate with a web development company to update it to a responsive design. Otherwise, no matter what other SEO techniques you do, you will struggle to rank.

It could take some time for your efforts to bear fruit. So, if you don't get results as quickly as you would want, be patient and continue to apply and test your marketing content for SEO best practices as stated above. Your campaigns will finally produce astonishing results.
Do you want to know more about SEO content strategy? Enroll today in Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore.
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