Career mode has FIFA 23 Coins received an overhaul of the visuals to bring it in line with the game's other modes but the gameplay is largely exactly the same way as it did before. If you are an opponent, there's now RPG-like points you can earn depending on your conduct on and off the pitch as well as the option to play as coaches and players from the real world rather than creating your own entirely from scratch.
What's less clear is the constant attempts of career mode to have you play less football. EA had added numerous training elements that felt like administrative and now you have the option of choosing to watch the highlights of games instead of the full 90 minutes. If you're playing football it's a bit confusing.
FIFA might not be the most appropriate game to showcase the power of your console. But there are some amazing improvements to 23 that can help increase that feeling of real-world realism just a little bit more or how the goal nets ripple or the way sliding tackles can cause the field to cut up over the period for 90 minutes.
EA is keen to announce the effectiveness of its HyperMotion2 motion-capture tech, which lets players' movement appear more authentic. This year, it's employed for women and men, and while the physical differences are not as evident as they can be with male players, it's still a move to make women's sports feel less like an unimportant inclusion.
There's still a long way to go, though. Addition of Women's Super League and France's Division 1 Feminine takes the number of teams to 41, but they're not able to play as cheapest FUT 23 Coins in every mode in career mode, with FUT being among the most notable omissions.