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Can an unmarried woman get an IVF done in India?

Nowadays, a woman has the power to build her life and family in a way that makes her the happiest. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment using donor sperm allows women to become mothers regardless of whether they are married or not, and it is also legally allowed in India. Some women want to be a mother instead of a wife. IVF center in Bihar knows that each circumstance is unique, and they support you on your route to a healthy baby, no matter what the cause may be. IVF treatment includes fertilizing an egg of the uterus, then transferring it to the uterus to be carried to term. It is approached in some ways:

  • You can have your eggs collected for IVF, or you can use a donor egg instead.
  • You can use sperm from a donor or an anonymous source.
  • You can either carry the embryo yourself or have a surrogate do it for you.

Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre is the place to get IVF done for an unmarried woman. We understand your requirements and believe that a woman does not need to be married to become a mother, and you can feel free to visit us as we will not judge you.