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Call Girl Chandigarh

An Escort was originally a woman who consorted with royalty or members of the upper class in societies where prostitution was not permitted. In time, the term came to be used for a professional mistress or companion, especially one who was financially supported by a wealthy man. The word “Escort” is derived from the Old French word courtisane, which itself comes from the Latin word cortīsāna. The original meaning of the word referred to a woman who resided in or near a royal court, and it wasn’t until later that the term came to refer to a woman who engaged in sexual relations with members of the nobility. While Escorts have existed throughout history, they were particularly prevalent during the Renaissance period in Europe. At this time, many noblemen kept mistresses as well as wives, and these women were often expected to entertain their husbands’ guests and accompany them to social events. Escorts were usually well-educated and could speak several languages fluently. They were also typically skilled in music and dance, and many were talented artists or writers. Call Girl Chandigarh were often required to dress extravagantly and attend lavish parties, and they were usually expected to be sexually available to their clients at all times. While some escorts enjoyed wealth and luxury, others were exploited and abused by their patrons. In some cases, escorts were effectively slaves, forced to comply