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Boss' Skills and bns gold Tips on How to Deal With Them

Submitted by upfifayl on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 00:20

Boss' Skills and Tips on How to Deal With Them

Ancient Guardian Sekjin Format 1
It is commonly used by the boss. When the boss use it, there will be a yellow attack buy Blade and Soul gold na range on the ground, which will cause 5000 damages that can be blocked. Ancient Guardian Sekjin format 2 will be used subsequently.

Ancient Guardian Sekjin Format 2
It will cause 5000 damages, which can be blocked. If you are not well equipped, buy Blade and Soul gold na you'd better avoid the attack. It will be a waste of time.

Ancient Guardian Sekjin Leg Attack
If the targeted is attacked by this buy Blade and Soul gold na skill, he will receive 10,000 damages and be knocked down, which can be blocked. A series of skills will be used by the boss subsequently. 

The effect of the block is like the skills of the Kung Fu Master. If the boss counterattacks, the target will receive 8000 damages and dizziness. If you are attacked, you can use tab to stand up otherwise the boss will use another skill to cause 3 attacks, each causing 4000 damages.

Ancient Guardian Sekjin Knee Attack
If you are near enough to the boss, you can actually see the boss' action. The skill will cause 10,000 damages which you can block.

Vindictive Outbreak
When the boss health points drops to 1,100,000, 820,000, 520,000, 250,000, he will use buy Blade and Soul gold na this skill, which can be blocked. If the target is attacked by this skill, he will receive 7000 damages.