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Blade and Soul Blood Mane Bloodshade harbour

Submitted by ffaluby on Fri, 04/08/2016 - 00:39

Blood Mane Bloodshade harbour
This boss has big dps check so make sure you’re prepared.

Start off by dps’ing him and avoiding his basic attacks. They include a 360 degrees spin attack and a few different swipe attacks Blade and Soul Gold EU-Ogong. After a little he will say “Do not look down on me!” and then start to charge up his AOE roar attack (he will say this every time before he does it). Luckily this can be interrupted so be sure to save a CC skill so you can joint attack him.

At this point the add’s (machine ones) on the sides of the room will become active. Basically they will travel from one side to the other dealing damage to everything in it’s path ( Even Bloodmane). Blade and Soul Gold EU-Ogong This is why it is best to fight him in the middle so you can see them early and avoid getting hit by them yourself. Try to make sure the add’s hit Bloodmane as he has a lot of hp and they will stack bleeds on him which are crucial to dropping him before the enrage timer.

Once he’s dead run up the wall and into the next area.

In the next part simply follow the path ahead (killing if you wish) up until the fire barrier. Kill the named there (keeping away from the barrier) This will open up the path which will take you to the last mini boss(s) the Widow sisters.