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Are there any side effects of IVF treatment?

IVF treatment is generally very safe. In IVF treatment, sperm and eggs from a man and woman combine in a laboratory dish outside the body. Then, one or more fertilized eggs (embryos) are transferred into the woman's uterus. Usually, gonadotropins are injected during an IVF treatment that helps to stimulate the growth of follicles containing eggs in the ovaries. During egg retrieval and embryo transfer operations, the chance of severe problems from IVF medications and procedures is rare. You may experience some mild symptoms during the IVF procedure like nausea, occasionally vomiting, mild bruising and soreness at the injection site, some temporary allergic reactions, mood swings, fatigue, etc. Within few days after egg collection, they usually go away on their own. 
If you have worries about IVF treatment, the experts at the IVF center in Bihar are ready to help. The physicians and staffs of this clinic have decades of expertise in delivering individualized and affordable care to people on their fertility journeys.