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anti-wrinkle and whitening

Submitted by alisa on Sun, 06/04/2017 - 23:18

Loofah or eliminate freckles, whitening, remove wrinkles of the rare natural beauty.Long-term consumption or use loofah fluid to clean face, still can make the skin becomes smooth, delicate, has the anti-wrinkle diminish inflammation, prevention, eliminate acne and melanin and special effect.Spot of the great action - if a teenager is a lovely little freckles marks on the face, so for mature female, those biltong is become the enemy of beauty!To start work now, let's face defect elimination in the kitchen.Introduce several kinds of towel gourd and treatment:

1, stimulation, towel gourd, saute shredded ginger, saute in a loofah, add green pepper and a little garlic, towel gourd is done, add a little lily cook, dish up.

2, smooth and fair: remove towel gourd skin, rinse and cut into small pieces of 1.5 cm, used steam towel gourd 7 minutes, pour out the melon juice, cooking pot of oil, saute chopped garlic, pour the towel gourd, add a little soy sauce and sesame will begin to work and produce fast-acting results once you use it on your face or other parts.the effects are obviously seen in less than one are not worried about the side effects,all the ingredients has been tested for thousand times to filter all the harmful substance.zbout instantly ageless reviews ,It is conducive to object to age,it's important to ensure the quality of wrinkle cream result,keep the cream on the target area for 2-3 minute.

3, wash fresh towel gourd and chopped, wrapped in gauze, squeeze the juice, add an equal amount of medicinal alcohol and honey, and mix evenly, dip in with cotton ball when using juice daub face and arms, 20 minutes remove with clean water.Cha, every night for a month, can reduce wrinkles, make skin smooth and elastic.