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and the Golden State Warriors

Submitted by mmogogirl on Sun, 07/02/2017 - 19:00

is a staunch Clinton surrogate who has taunted Trump throughout the campaign and attended the Wednesday debate as a guest of the Democratic nominee.The Mavericks eventually lost to the Rockets 106-91    NBA 2K18 MT      a 15-point margin. According to CNN’s instant poll, Clinton won the debate 52 percent to 39 percent, a 13-point margin. Pretty close there, coach.Russell Westbrook is whoever you want him to be | 2016 NBA Season Preview

Russell Westbrook&39;s innocent photo of cupcakes turned out to be a dig at Kevin Durant - SBNation
The NBA regular season will begin in a NBA 2K18 Coins few days, but that doesn’t mean the drama is just starting. In fact, it’s almost in midseason form thanks to Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant. By now you know that Kevin Durant joined the Splash Brothers and the Golden State Warriors.


And ever since, Russell Westbrook has been fairly quiet about it. When fans were waiting on a shocked retort from Russ, all we got was a Fourth of July photo. And while cupcakes are delicious, they don’t necessarily fulfill our craving for the next great basketball beef. <blockquote classinstagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned WELCOME TO