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The Alzheimer’s Defense Program Reviews

One antidepressant was prescribed for my clinical depression shortly after its introduction in 1985. There was much media hoopla for the miracle drug that could make people "happy." But the real breakthrough was intended The Alzheimer’s Defense Program only to raise the moods of folks who were suicidal, vegetative or otherwise crippled with incessant clinical depression by allowing the needed amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin to increase in the brains of patients. It worked wonderfully for me.

Taking it permitted me to function almost normally (or whatever that was for me) again. Once a psychiatric medication is prescribed, time-pressured physicians and pharmacists typically skim over the list of side-effects with the patient, placing the onus of discovery on that patient. The most prevalent cautions are usually relayed to the patient by his or her doctor or pharmacist. Regardless, the psychiatric patient needs to know them all, for many of these side-effects are debilitating or life-threatening and must be reported to a doctor quickly when discovered.

The patient or his or her domestic caregiver must have all of the drug information available for each prescription taken. I have found Wikipedia drug articles to be the most comprehensive, understandable, rich in detail and peppered with many related hotlinks. The best way to secure this information is to visit Wikipedia and type the drug name into its search window.

Here is what you will find in each pharmaceutical article at [] Select "English" if you can read this. General Description
Medical Uses; Adverse Effects (including contraindications with other drugs), Pharmacokinetics (how the drug works), Mechanism of Action (if you're studying to become a doctor or pharmacist!), History (not for the faint-of-heart), Other Brand Names (domestic and worldwide), In Popular Culture (books, movies, parades, etc.)