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Alternative Thinning Hair Treatment Options to Stimulate Natural Hair Regrowth

The reason why I believe in the buzz cut is, if you James Green’s HairFortin Review are deeply unhappy with your fading locks and can't bring them back with treatments, you can continue losing confidence as things get worse, or you can take the bull by the horns, buzz it off, embrace the new you, and show the world what you're really made of.

It takes guts, but just do it. Grab a set of hair clippers or razor, take one last look at your straggly locks, and buzz them off. You'll look 100% neater - but this is now the new you. You are a man who has now gone from someone holding onto the past and hiding away in shame and embarrassment, to someone who will now stand out for all the right reasons. Why would you want to be the guy women see with thinning hair and ask their friends: "He'd look so much better if he just buzzed it off" when you can be the guy with the neat buzz cut whom everyone knows has guts? (It's a fact most men - balding or not - wouldn't dare buzz their hair, so it takes confidence to do it, so why not show the world you have more guts than 99% of men just with this act alone?)

You don't need to be great looking even. It's all about making the best of yourself, and thinning hair - especially on a young guy - looks like you are neglecting yourself and unconfident. Don't be that person.Once you've buzzed it, it screams confidence, and I promise you, the first time you go outside, hold your head up high and notice that most people just don't even give you a second glance and just don't care, it's the most freeing experience you'll have had in years and you'll wonder why on earth you didn't do it years earlier. And, once you get used to it and how it makes you feel, you'll never go back to holding onto what's left.