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Submitted by piodnn on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 17:30
Spam is usually a solved problem . should you not on Typepad. There are great services available like Akismet and Mollom that look after spam entirely, without even bugging anyone with CAPTCHAs. I haven seen an individual spam comment each year if not more (because of Mollom, in my case). You should check whenever you can add one of them services on your blog here. Adding rules manually sounds obvious when you are getting a number of similar spam comments, in practice it not feasible. There are so many various things that spammers post about, and thus many variations how the only reasonable defense would be to have a thing that notices similarities across a lot of websites. Also, adding some brands is one thing, but once you add words like shoes and jewelry and drugs and a great deal of synonyms, you begin creating false positives.
Agreed. Unfortunately, often it hard to filter on names. For example "Medford Risk Management" sounds legit, but will be spam. There seems to become a subtle blend of name, website, and content which allows an observant human to detect spam, whereas algorithms might miss it. And, naturally, no IT staff desires to deploy an algorithm which has false positives (blocking valid comments) since that angers a persons. But when you point out inside your book, balancing the false positives and false negatives is usually a tricky business that necessarily requires trade offs.
Ron: I have also voiced my discontent many times therefore I thought maybe I can shame them into doing something regarding it. Apparently not. On twitter, they said to block those IP addresses manually, and that is the same robotic response they provide every time I point this out. Since Robert lets us know spam filtering is often a solved problem, how difficult can it be for Typepad to get the technology to solve this issue? The fact how they haven is undoubtedly an indication that they can don care. This attitude is shocking since unlike others, they demand money for software. One day, I take Andrew advice and quit. Of course some realise their mistake and attempt mid course correction Mercedes (now following low cost high volume strategy), Star bouquet of channels (and that is regaining its # 1 position through revamped programming and positioning, after it had lost to Colors), Coke (which realised that all experiment to undermine Thums Up was benefiting Pepsi greater than Coke), and there are others.