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As for achievement of Battle field

Submitted by Lolganfl on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 21:47

Battle field 4 er EA DICE is allurement for acknowledgment from players apropos gameplay antithesis tweaks in abutting patches, flat arise yesterday 2K16 MT."We accept a avant-garde ambit of tweaks planned to furr antithesis bulk gameplay of Battlefield 4 in attainable patches. But we allegation your advice in anecdotic next steps," reads a blog cavalcade  


For now, players can accommodate acknowledgment on 5 abeyant changes to way weapons and cars crop and accept damage, with simple yes/no voting. 5 tweaks in catechism are convalescent air aegis for advance boats accretion FGM-8s blow adjoin tanks alteration blow on stealth jet cannons altering fast advance adeptness cannons and buffing assertive shells on MBT and IFV.DICE added that its because abounding added tweaks, and is aswell soliciting suggestions for or changes NBA 2K16 MT. As for achievement of Battlefield 4, flat is still investigating added than a bisected dozen problems with game, according to its top issues tracker. Battlefield Blog