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50 Must-Read Stress Management Articles and Blogs

Submitted by nawitah on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 06:23

50 Must-Read Stress Management Articles and Blogs

Stress affects your health in ways that you may not even be aware of, from headaches, to insomnia, to decreased productivity. Stress may impact your mood, your behavior, your relationships, and your work. In short, stress can affect every aspect of your life. In fact, nearly 70% of doctor visits and 80% of serious illnesses may be associated with stress. That’s why you should make managing stress a priority.
If you’re feeling the stress but aren’t sure how to handle it, there are steps you can take to help yourself. To help you get started, we have rounded up 50 of the top stress management blogs and articles from trusted authorities, leading experts, and health organizations so that you can determine which stress management tips and strategies are right for you. You may just find that managing your stress makes those other aspects of your life more manageable too. Please note, we have listed our top picks for stress management blogs and articles here, in no particular order.
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1. Stress Management Blog
The Stress Management Blog contains a great deal of information about stress, from its causes to tips for reducing it. The blog also keys into specific groups of people who often are in need of stress management, including students and professionals. We like the Stress Management Blog because its posts are informative and helpful at the same time.
Three key posts we like from Stress Management Blog:
• Managing Work Stress by Organizing Time
• Reduce Stress with These Tips
• Causes and Solutions to Family Stress
2. How to Manage Your Stress Levels
Life skills coach and visual thinking consultant, Adam Sicinski provides information and examples at IQ Matrix. In fact, the IQ Matrix team works to help people improve and maximize their potential through mind mapping and life coaching principles designed to help them overcome life’s challenges. Sicinski’s stress management article, How to Manage Your Stress Levels, is a comprehensive stress management resource that examines how nutrition, mindset, the body, actions, interactions, and activities can help us to better manage our stress.
Three key tips we like from How to Manage Your Stress Levels:
• Avoid food that aggravates and elevates stress levels and eat more nutrient-rich foods that settle the body and naturally calm the mind
• Gain perspective and think about the bigger picture
• Begin meditating and visualizing to ease stress levels and center the mind
3. The Positivity Blog
Henrik Edberg creates courses, books, and The Positivity Blog to help others increase their happiness and ease their stress. The blog offers “happiness and awesomeness tips that work in real life,” including those to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, reduce procrastination, and more, to lead people to less stressed, more successful lives.
Three key posts we like from The Positivity Blog:
• How to Deal with Stress: 33 Tips That Work
• How to Stop Worrying: 9 Simple Habits
• 21 Small Ways to Make Life Simpler
4. Strictly Stress Management
Life coach and stress coach, Jill Prince presents Strictly Stress Management, a blog that offers general stress information as well as stress management tips tailored for Moms. Strictly Stress Management is a robust stress management blog that includes videos, links to solutions and products, and much more to help readers understand stress and choose the ways to manage it that they think will work best for them and their lifestyle.
Three key posts we like from Strictly Stress Management:
• >Using Art Therapy Activities for Stress Management
• Horticultural Therapy Provides Excellent Stress Relief
• Laughter Therapy is the Ultimate in Stress Management Strategies
5. Stress Management Expert Blog
The Mayo Clinic is an integrated clinical practice, education, and research institution that specializes in treating patients and is ranked number one in more specialties than any other hospital in the nation. Their stress management page contains links to the basics of stress management, stress management resources, and expert answers on stress. It also features their Stress Management Expert Blog, under the direction of Dr. Edward T. Creagan.
Three key posts we like from Stress Management Expert Blog:
• Don’t Deny Yourself the Gift of Restorative Sleep
• Using Imagery to Meditate Can Help with Stress of Cancer
• Mama Said There’ll be Days Like These
6. True Stress Management
True Stress Management is a stress management blog that aims to help readers boost productivity, learn more about stress, and manage their own stress levels better. True Stress Management shares links to stress management techniques, blog posts, a stress management eBook, and much more.
Three key posts we like from True Stress Management:
• How Smiling Can Reduce Stress
• 10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Stress Less
• 170 Stress Management Techniques
7. Can Probiotics Help to Reduce Your Stress Levels?
Fawne Hansen, a holistic wellness and expert in treating chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, shares her stress management article, Can Probiotics Help to Reduce Your Stress Levels? The article examines a study done at University College Cork, Ireland, that shows some probiotics could have a calming effect on the brain, including reducing stress and anxiety.
Three key points we like from Can Probiotics Help to Reduce Your Stress Levels?:
• There is a direct neuron route from the gut to the brain, which opens the possibility of nutritional therapies for anxiety and stress
• Lactobacillus is a strain of probiotics that may help to reduce stress
• Probiotics increase the level of good bacteria in the gut, which can improve the way we think
8. How to Reduce Stress by Doing Less and Doing It Slowly
Tiny Buddha offers “simple wisdom for complex lives, with quotes, tips, and stories to help us help ourselves and each other.” How to Reduce Stress by Doing Less an Doing It Slowly is one of Tiny Buddha’s stress management articles that we think shares some great tips for slowing down and reducing stress levels.
Three key tips we like from How to Reduce Stress by Doing Less and Doing It Slowly:
• Double the time you allot for completing tasks
• Consciously perform tasks more slowly
• Reduce your amount of multitasking
9. Five Ways to Never Be Stressed Again
Dr. Mark Hyman is a New York Times bestselling author who is “dedicated to transforming healthcare and tackling the root causes of chronic illness through functional medicine.” His stress management article, Five Ways to Never Be Stressed Again, explains that stress is a perception and that people need to do a U-turn to worry and stress less.
Three key tips we like from Five Ways to Never Be Stressed Again:
• Get moving to burn off stress hormones without having to change your way of thinking
• Take deep, slow, full breaths to reset stress responses and activate your relaxation nerve
• Make sleep a priority and strive to get your full eight hours
10. The Top Ten Stress Management Techniques
Good Day at Work is an online community of wellbeing enthusiasts. The Good Day at Work Blog offers contributions from Gary Cooper and members of the community, including The Top Ten Stress Management Techniques, a stress management article by David Algeo. The article emphasizes the point that, while some stress is helpful, too much stress has negative consequences and managing it at appropriate levels should be the goal.
Three key tips we like from The Top Ten Stress Management Techniques:
• Ask for help by talking to someone or sharing with family or friends
• Keep a journal to record your feelings and sort out your thoughts
• Limit your alcohol intake
11. The Huffington Post – Stress Management
The Huffington Post is a wealth of information, and they have pages of stress management-related posts. While not a traditional blog, The Huffington Post – Stress Management offers help for the most stressed people, from healthy living tips, to procrastination busters, and everything in-between.
Three key posts we like from The Huffington Post – Stress Management:
• Your Source of Truth – Your Mind of Your Inner GPS?
• How Playing ‘I Spy’ Can Transform Your Life
• Alicia Estikle’s GPS Guide on Managing Stress
12. About Health – Stress Management
@aboutcomhealth Health offers tips for living a healthy, happy life. Their stress management section is under the guidance of Elizabeth Scott, MS, stress management expert. The blog offers stress management techniques, quizzes to determine your stress levels, and stress management tips.
Three key posts we like from About Health – Stress Management:
• Individualized Stress Relief for Better Health
• Release Tension with Stress Relief Breathing
• How to Develop a Stress Relief Plan That Works
13. Probiotics Do More Than Make Your Stomach Happy
Peak Health Advocate offers strategies for adopting healthy living habits and shares research and the latest information for actively managing ailments and chronic conditions. Their stress management article, Probiotics Do More Than Make Your Stomach Happy, explores the ways in which probiotics may alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.
Three key points we like from Probiotics Do More Than Make Your Stomach Happy:
• Probiotics have been shown to protect against oxidative stress caused by exercise and to help reduce upper respiratory infections in athletes
• Probiotics may be used to reduce stress and improve your mood
• A probiotic regimen has been shown to alleviate psychological distress
14. Stress Management Tips for Students
Psych Central is a leading independent mental health and psychology network that has been overseen by mental health professionals since 1995. Their stress management article, Stress Management Tips for Students, recognizes that students are among some of the most stressed people and that they are in need of learning how to manage their stress in healthy, positive ways.
Three key tips we like from Stress Management Tips for Students:
• Adopt proper time management habits
• Take time to exercise and get fresh air
• Stay positive and maintain a positive attitude
15. Stress and Resilience
Debbie Waller and the Yorkshire Stress Management team provide help and support for individuals who wish to learn coping strategies for stress through stress management coaching, seminars, and training. Stress and Resilience is their stress management blog, offering practical tips for improving emotional resilience and developing a stronger sense of wellbeing by becoming more educated about stress and how to handle it.
Three key posts we like from Stress and Resilience:
• Stressed? 8 Reasons You Need to Get a Colouring Book
• Seven Simple Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts
• Coping with Stress in Companies
16. How to Deal with Stress
A platform for handcrafted content from around the world, Creative Market is a resource for various topics relating to stress. One of their stress management articles, How to Deal with Stress, offers an overview of stress and guides readers through how to identify their stressors and manage their stress in healthy ways.
Three key tips we like from How to Deal with Stress:
• Take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally
• Get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to decrease stress levels
• Avoid unnecessary stress caused by negative people
17. 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress
With a commitment to being an ally in the pursuit of health and wellbeing, Healthline offers tips for people who want to better manage their stress. Their 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress is a stress management article that features some of the most successful ways to relieve stress.
Three key tips we like from 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress:
• Listen to calm music or ocean or nature sounds
• Reach out to a friend or family member to discuss your stressors and gain some perspective
• Calmly talk yourself through the stress
18. Teacher Stress: 8 Strategies to Manage Work Pressure
Unplag serves teachers in schools and universities and understands that they are among some of the most stressed professionals. While their stress management tips are geared toward teachers, they are basic stress management techniques that anyone, in any profession, can use to get a better handle on stress.
Three key tips we like from Teacher Stress: 8 Strategies to Manage Work Pressure:
• Identify the causes of your stress and categorize them into things you can control and things you cannot control; then, find solutions to things you can control
• List what you need to do and be realistic about your goals
• Adopt mindfulness exercises and activities and seek out peaceful environments
19. 4 Easy Stress Management Strategies
Psychology Today offers insight into ourselves, to help us lead better, healthier lives. 4 Easy Stress Management Strategies is one of their stress management articles, written to help readers stop suffering from chronic stress.
Three key tips we like from 4 Easy Stress Management Strategies:
• Learn how to say “no” when you are overwhelmed or reaching your limit
• Stay hydrated by drinking water
• Eat well and avoid high-fat, high-glycemic load meals while increasing your intake of B vitamins and fiber
20. The Importance of Balancing Stress Hormones
Katie, the Wellness Mama, is a wife, mom, blogger, and author who knows a thing or two about stress. She strives to help families live naturally and more healthfully with practical tips del-immune. She shares her tips for managing stress in The Importance of Balancing Stress Hormones, a blog post that recognizes the affects of stress on our lives.
Three key tips we like from The Importance of Balancing Stress Hormones:
• Eat a solid, real-food diet and get enough sleep
• Make time to unwind by journaling, meditating, praying, and focusing on the positive
• Normalize gut bacteria depleted by stress hormones by taking probiotics
21.3 Ways to De-Stress Your Day
Winning Thru Wellness takes a total approach to wellness to help people enjoy a complete quality of life. Their wellness blogs include tips for stress management, including this post, 3 Ways to De-Stress Your Day, which recognizes that small changes can decrease our stress levels and give us a renewed sense of wellbeing.
Three key tips we like from 3 Ways to De-Stress Your Day:
• Use conscious deep breathing techniques to de-stress quickly
• Quiet your mind through meditation, anywhere, any time
• Devote some time to yourself by removing interruptions and distractions an taking care of yourself
22. Stress Management Online
Stress Management Online is a stress management blog from Pauline Lummas, stress management trainer and university lecturer in psychology and social science. Lummus’ goal is to get people thinking critically about stress and the consequences of some current stress interventions. While not updated as frequently as some of the other stress management blogs that made our list, Stress Management Online shares some important stress management strategies and tips that are not to be missed.
Three key posts we like from Stress Management Online:
• Laughter: Medication without the Side-Effects
• How to Deal with Stress: Frequently Asked Questions
• Rethinking ‘Positive’ and ‘Negative’ Emotions
23. Stress Management
360 Orthotics & Prosthetics is an online orthotics and prosthetics community. They share a stress management article, Stress Management, that looks at stress from historical and health angles. Indeed, Stress Management is one of the most informative articles on stress, stressors, and stress management that we have found.
Three key tips we like from Stress Management:
• One way to combat stress is to understand the nature of thought and recognize when you are being too negative and insecure
• Another way to manage stress is to identify and cope with stressors in order to improve self-confidence in overcoming stressors
• Stress management techniques include cognitive therapy, conflict resolution, exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques
24. Effective (and Ineffective) Ways to Manage Stress
CHI Health relies on its facilities and professionals’ expertise to build healthier communities. In this CHI Health stress management article, Karen Bermel, LIMHP, MC, explains that managing stress can be a challenge, but it is possible with the right strategies. She also warns against adopting ineffective stress management techniques.
Three key tips we like from Effective (and Ineffective) Ways to Manage Stress:
• Practice breathing exercises
• Take part in a fun activity, such as yoga, bowling, or walking
• Plan ahead
25. Unstress Yourself
A well-being blog dedicated to helping people cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, Unstress Yourself offers practical, motivating information. We like Unstress Yourself because their stress management tips go beyond the typical strategies, yet are easy enough for anyone to utilize.
Three key posts we like from Unstress Yourself:
• 10 Best Essential Oils to Beat Stress and Anxiety
• Emotion Focused and Problem Focused Coping Strategies
• Top 20 Stress Management Activities to Instantly Reduce Stress
26. How Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Gut – and What to Do About It
Blogger and health detective specializing in investigative medicine, Chris Kresser addresses the importance of stress management in How Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Gut – and What to Do About It. Kresser focuses on the ways in which stress affects the gut and the evidence suggesting that probiotics help to alleviate the effects of stress on the gut.
Three key points we like from How Stress Wreaks Havoc on Your Gut – and What to Do About It:
• A healthy gut flora can modulate the hypersensitivity and leaky gut permeability that results from chronic stress
• Probiotic supplements improve depression, anger, anxiety, and stress-causing cortisol
• Chronic stress changes the gut flora, but probiotics restore mental health and wellbeing
27. Totally Stressed Out
Totally Stressed Out is a stress management site geared toward students who feel the pressure and stress of time management, school, and other challenges associated with being tweens and teens. With advice for combatting stress through nutrition, relaxation, and mindfulness, Totally Stressed Out offers stress management tips that students (and anyone else) can use.
Three key posts we like from Totally Stressed Out:
• Take Care of Your Well-Being: Who You Talk to and Spend Time With
• Relaxing: Relaxation Exercises
• School Related Things: Reduce Stress with Good Study Skills
28. 37 Stress Management Tips from the Experts
Reader’s Digest, “America’s Most Trusted Magazine,” offers uplifting stories, jokes, advice, and more, like this stress management article. 37 Stress Management Tips from the Experts explains that just because stress is a fact of life, does not mean that we all have to accept being stressed out, and offers 37 tips from the experts for combatting stress with easy, natural alternatives to anxiety.
Three key tips we like from 37 Stress Management Tips from the Experts:
• Breathe deeply from your diaphragm several times
• Rub your hands together until they feel warm, then cup them over your closed eyes for five seconds while breathing deeply
• Take a hot bath, or wash your face or hands and arms with hot water and imagine you are taking a hot bath
29. Five Tips to Help Manage Stress
The American Psychological Association advances the psychological science to promote health, education, and human welfare. Their stress management article, Five Tips to Help Manage Stress, explains that extreme amounts of stress has health consequences that affect the immune, cardiovascular, and neuroendocrine and central nervous systems, as well as the emotions. The article also details five tips for managing stress.
Three key tips we like from Five Tips to Help Manage Stress:
• Take a break from the stressor and take 20 minutes to take care of yourself
• Exercise for 20 minutes during a stressful time
• Smile and laugh
30. Probiotics Could Ease Stress-Induced Intestinal Problems, Study Finds
HuffPost Lifestyle shares style, food, health, and home ideas. They also share this stress management article, which examines the ways in which probiotics “counteract the negative effects of stress on the gut.” University of Michigan researchers determined that stress induces inflammation in the gut, which can lead to diarrhea and belly pain, and that probiotics seem to reverse those negative effects of stress on the gut.
Three key points we like from Probiotics Could Ease Stress-Induced Intestinal Problems, Study Finds:
• Treating IBS patients and people who suffer from chronic stress with probiotics “makes sense”
• Probiotics also aid in digestive health and improve bone density
• Stress negatively impacts the immune system, and probiotics have been found to stimulate immune response and help people maintain a healthy immune system
31. Stress Management Tips
Founded in 1978, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) serves as a clearinghouse for all science-based stress management information. Their Stress Management Tips article offers several stress management tips and includes links to other articles detailing ways to combat stress naturally.
Three key tips we like from Stress Management Tips:
• Use visual imagery to calm your stress and your mind
• Spend time with pets
• Take time to enjoy hobbies
32. Dealing with Stress | Ten Tips
@skillsyouneed is a leading online skills development resource, providing people with the information and essential skills they need to achieve success in work, education, and life. Their stress management article, Dealing with Stress | Ten Tips, offers 10 simple tips for anyone looking for help with managing and reducing their stress levels.
Three key tips we like from Dealing with Stress | Ten Tips:
• Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
• Take control of stress by learning how to find solutions to problems
• Avoid additional responsibility and say “no” to unimportant requests
33. 8 Proven Ways to Manage Stress: Tips from Mayo Clinic
Gaiam Life is a guide for better living, and they explain the negative effects of stress on the body in their stress management article. They also share eight tips from the Mayo Clinic for managing stress, in order to limit its impact on the body and health.
Three key tips we like from 8 Proven Ways to Manage Stress: Tips from Mayo Clinic:
• Adopt an optimistic mindset to better cope with stressful situations
• Embrace spirituality to gain a clearer life purpose and adopt better stress management skills
• Restore a work-life balance
34. Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and other related disorders and their treatments. Their stress management article, Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress, offers several practical steps to take when you are feeling anxious or stressed, so that you are able to cope a little better.
Three key tips we like from Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress:
• Count to 10 slowly, or 20 if necessary
• Accept that you cannot control everything
• Distract yourself with music or audiobooks while walking or exercising
35. 10 Tips to Help You De-Stress
Everyday Health helps people take better care of themselves and their loved ones with powerful weight-loss tools, expert advice, and health news and information. Because Everyday Health wants to help you “live your healthiest life every day,” they share their stress management article, 10 Tips to Help You De-Stress.
Three key tips we like from 10 Tips to Help You De-Stress:
• Spend time with friends and family who give you a sense of belonging, a purpose, and fun
• Be kind to yourself by thinking about positive affirmations daily
• Be thankful and show thanks for your family, friends, and loved ones
36. Four Ways to Deal with Stress
The American Heart Association offers tips for healthy eating and living to help prevent heart disease. Because stress is harmful for heart health, they also share Four Ways to Deal with Stress, a stress management article that offers simple techniques for dealing with stress.
Three key tips we like from Four Ways to Deal with Stress:
• Engage in positive self-talk
• Make it a priority to do at least one thing every day that you enjoy for at least 15 minutes
• Practice relaxation through deep breathing, yoga, or meditation
37. Managing Stress
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is known for offering credible health and safety updates. They also offer information about stress and its symptoms, as well as tips for self-care to help individuals manage stress in their stress management article, Managing Stress.
Three key tips we like from Managing Stress:
• Avoid drugs and alcohol
• Stay active by volunteering, helping a neighbor, or walking your dog
• Maintain a normal routine
38. Taking Probiotics Could Make You Less Stressed and Boost Your Memory, Study Suggests
ScienceAlert shares “the science that matters.” In this stress management article, ScienceAlert shares the research showing that there is a link between mental health and gut bacteria. Taking Probiotics Could Make You Less Stressed and Boost Your Memory, Study Suggests also details a study that shows that taking probiotics leads to lower stress levels and boosts memory.
Three key p0ints we like from Taking Probiotics Could Make You Less Stressed and Boost Your Memory, Study Suggests:
• Taking probiotics may help us to manage our mental health
• Study participants who took probiotics every ay for a month had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood stream
• Probiotics lead to less anxiety and less stress
39. 10 Stress Reduction Tips
The University of New Hampshire Health Services provides medical care and wellness education for students and employees. Their stress management article, 10 Stress Reduction Tips, offers tips for anyone who needs to unwind and manage stress more productively.
Three key tips we like from 10 Stress Reduction Tips:
• Limit self-judgment to reverse negative ideas and focus on positive outcomes
• Express your feelings with a support network or friend or in writing in the form of a journal, diary, poem, etc.
• Do just one thing at a time
40. 10 Stress Busters
NHS Choices is the English National Health Services site, covering all things health, from lifestyle advice, to health and medical choices. Their stress management article, 10 Stress Busters, explains that identifying the cause of the stress is the first step toward feeling better. The article also shares ten tips for managing stress from Professor Cary Cooper, occupational health expert at the University of Lancaster.
Three key tips we like from 10 Stress Busters:
• Be active and exercise
• Set goals and challenge yourself to build confidence and better deal with stress
• Help other people through volunteering or community work
41. Manage Stress
From the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Healthfinder is a source for reliable prevention and wellness information. Manage Stress, one of their stress management articles, explains that preventing and managing chronic stress helps people lower their risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression. The article also shares tips for managing stress in healthy ways.
Three key tips we like from Manage Stress:
• Make it a point to take time to relax
• Plan ahead and stick to to-do lists while being realistic about how long tasks will take
• Relax your muscles by stretching or taking a hot shower
42. Best and Worst Ways to Cope with Stress
Health magazine wants to help readers “live your best life now.” That’s why they share Best and Worst Ways to Cope with Stress, a stress management article that examines the right and wrong ways to control stress. By learning the best ways to handle stress, you can lead a healthier life and reduce the risk of acquiring certain health issues.
Three key tips we like from Best and Worst Ways to Cope with Stress:
• Get fresh air and add plants to your workspace and home
• Maintain a comforting, consistent routine
• Get out of your head and engage in activities that require you to work with your hands or body
43. Helpful Tips on How to Manage Every Day Stress
The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit working to support the mental health of teens and young adults, and they present ULifeline, an online resource for college mental health. ULifeline shares stress management tips for college students in Helpful Tips on How to Manage Every Day Stress.
Three key tips we like from Helpful Tips on How to Manage Every Day Stress:
• Be aware of signs of stress overload
• Know your stress triggers
• Don’t self-medicate with alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes
44. How to Handle Stress in the Moment
Harvard Business Review is associated with the practice of management, and that often entails stress caused by the workplace. Their stress management article, How to Handle Stress in the Moment, explores ways for people to handle stress immediately, rather than dealing with stress over the longterm.
Three key tips we like from How to Handle Stress in the Moment:
• Recognize the physiological signs of stress, including a clenched stomach, sweaty palms or a stiff neck
• View tasks as opportunities, rather than as stressors
• Regulate your emotions in tense conversations by speaking in a reasonable, matter-of-fact manner
45. Stress: How to Cope Better with Life’s Challenges
From the American Academy of Family Physicians, provides health information for the entire family. Their stress management article, Stress: How to Cope Better with Life’s Challenges, offers an overview of stress and explains how to manage stress by taking steps to avoid it or change the way in which you react to it.
Three key tips we like from Stress: How to Cope Better with Life’s Challenges:
• Don’t worry about things you cannot control
• Prepare as much as possible for stressful situations
• Participate in activities that do not cause stress, such as sports, social events, or hobbies
46. Evidence-Based Stress Management – Vitamins, Probiotics – Part 1 of 5
Kathryn Welds is an organizations psychologist and global change strategist who offers a wealth of information and research managing stress in the workplace through her blog, Curated Research and Commentary. In this particular stress management article, Evidence-Based Stress Management – Vitamins, Probiotics – Part 1 of 5, Welds shares important findings about probiotics and vitamins and their positive effects on stress.
Three key points we like from Evidence-Based Stress Management – Vitamins, Probiotics – Part 1 of 5:
• Recent research reconfirms that vitamins and probiotics help to manage stress and enhance mood
• Probiotics lead to better mental functioning and reduced stress
• Probiotics are associated with enhanced stress management and other mental health benefits
47. 6 Unconventional Strategies for Beating Stress That Work
With expert tips on weight loss, nutrition, fitness, and more, Prevention Magazine is a leading source of trusted health information. Their stress management article, 6 Unconventional Strategies for Beating Stress That Work, takes a look at some uncommon strategies for beating stress, especially for people who have tried the more common tips for managing stress.
Three key tips we like from 6 Unconventional Strategies for Beating Stress That Work:
• Take time to cool off, especially at night, before having a difficult discussion
• Allow yourself to display your anger or express your irritation in response to short-term, unfair frustrations
• Spend time with pets, instead of people, when you are especially stressed
48. 6 Ways to Manage Stress
Women’s Health is a magazine providing “your ultimate guide to looking and feeling great,” with the latest health, fitness, beauty, and other tips. Their 6 Ways to Manage Stress is a guide to handling stress and improving long-term health, rather than sweating the small stuff.
Three key tips we like from 6 Ways to Manage Stress:
• Schedule a workout for the morning of an especially stressful day
• Focus on the solution, rather than the problem
• Give yourself a firm, DIY massage
49. Managing Your Stress
The Palo Alto Medical Foundation partners with patients and the community to deliver expert, compassionate, patient-centered care and health innovation. Their stress management article, Managing Your Stress, shares seven tips for managing stress to reduce stress levels over time.
Three key tips we like from Managing Your Stress:
• Take some time for yourself and listen to music, take a bath, or play an instrument
• Exercise doing activities that you enjoy, rather than those that you feel you must do
• Take care of yourself by getting plenty of sleep and eating well
50. How to Manage Stress and Overcome Difficulties: 4 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude and Keep Moving Forward
Professional speaker, author, and success expert Brian Tracy certainly knows a lot about managing stress, especially for professionals. His stress management article offers four tips for overcoming stress by staying positive and making progress toward your goals.
Three key tips we like from How to Manage Stress and Overcome Difficulties: 4 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude and Keep Moving Forward:
• Respond to all situations with a constructive, positive attitude
• Speak positively about yourself as often as possible
• Keep your thoughts on achieving your goals and dreams and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow stronger
The post 50 Must-Read Stress Management Articles and Blogs appeared first on Del-Immune V.