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5 ways to improve indoor air quality

If you have allergies or a weak immune system, it is not always pollen that can throw you out of whack. Sometimes it is bad air that makes you feel miserable. While the air inside your home is cleaner than the outside, it can contain particles that can cause breathing discomfort and nuisance. The accumulation of dust and dirt causes sneezes and coughing, which lingers in the air.
You can prevent illnesses at home by growing air purifier plants. Like tap water that you can filter to enjoy the full benefits of healthy minerals, you can also filter the air inside your home. The following are ways to improve air quality:
Certain greens purify the air, relieve allergies, improve sleep quality, and reduce stress. During photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen while removing toxins from the air. Houseplants purify indoor air by filtering out toxic chemicals. You can buy different types of indoor plants from home décor stores that bring the latest designs to Indian consumers and ensure stringent quality assurance protocols for all products.
Change the air filters
You may change your HVAC filter at least once a month. It ensures your system can filter out pollutants, resulting in cleaner air and greater energy efficiency. These are also great opportunities to clean out your air ducts, as those are great places for dust to accumulate.
Keep humidity under 50%
High humidity contributes to mould growth, promotes rotting, and creates the perfect environment for dust mites to thrive. You can protect your home from these adverse effects by maintaining a relative humidity of 50% or less. Use a humidifier to create a more suitable environment if your home humidity measures higher than this amount.
Install a water fountain
The indoor water fountain catches and holds pollutants in the air, preventing them from flowing throughout your home. By producing and emitting negative ions, it attacks air pollutants. The clean air makes breathing more refreshing and helps you think clearly. Negative ions are released when the water evaporates indoors.
Keep the house clean
Regular sweeping, vacuuming, wiping, and dusting can cut down on dirt, dust and pet dander which are the common sources of allergy triggers. Additionally, regular cleaning of drapes and bedding can reduce the amount of allergens emitted into the air.
Final words
Indoor home fountains are one way to improve the air quality in your home. Besides fountains, keeping your house and air ducts clean and circulating air throughout are other ways to enhance air quality. It keeps you and your family healthier and more active.