First of all, one needs to understand that white skin is an unrealistic standard of beauty prevalent in modern society because beauty is not associated with particular skin color, however, fair and glowing skin is something that can be helped by doing yoga regularly, yoga helps by increasing blood flow to the target parts of the body and flushing out toxins from the body. So without further do, let's get to know the exercises that can give you the skin of your dreams. Here are top 5 asanas for glowing skin are:
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation Pose)
Surya Namaskar is an energizing asana in just 12 steps. It is beneficial if you do this asana in the morning. It benefits all parts of the body (from top to bottom) in just five or ten minutes of exercise. It creates a lot of energy, which is good for reducing belly fat and also for reducing the double chin. You can burn about 400 calories by performing Surya Namaskar. It also creates a wonderful connection between intense yoga poses and warm-up poses.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
Bow pose or Dhanurasana belongs to the middle category. And it is also an important asana for your skin. As we know, it directly affects your spine and chest. But when you stay in the final position, you feel some pressure on your face. If you feel a little pressure, there is no doubt that you have done it right. This pressure is very important for the face. This tones your face and gives you a natural warm glowing look.
Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Downward Facing Dog is an inverted pose that is performed on the floor. In this you have to press both hands to the ground. During this process, your hips will lift toward the ceiling. When you are in the final position, you must focus your gaze on your toes and hold your breath. This leads to some stress on the body parts, which will lead to your glowing skin.
Plough Pose (Halasana)
The Plough or Plow position falls under the Intermediate/Advanced level as the name gives away its meaning. When you perform this asana, your body looks like a Plow. In the last step, place your chin on the neck area and hold your breath. The plow pose ensures good blood circulation in your body and purifies the blood. And purified blood leads to whitening and healthy skin. It rejuvenates all internal organs for better functioning.
Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana)
When the two words Sarva and Anga are joined together they form Sarvangasana. Sarva means all in Sanskrit along with Anga means body parts or limbs. When you perform Sarvangasana, all parts of the body are involved, hence this Asana is called Sarvangasana. When you reach the final pose, the blood circulation goes from the feet to the neck. And when you reach the final position, you have to lock your chin. Due to the reverse blood circulation during the process, it will heal your skin shrinkage and the chin lock will make your face wrinkle and pimple free. It is excellent for diabetes, liver disorders and intestinal problems.