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4 Factors Needed For Being A Successful Criminal Defense Lawyer

Many people have a belief that good criminal lawyers are always aggressive and pushy with the judge. People also believe that a Criminal Defence Lawyer North Brisbane uses deception and theatrics to win the cases; however, the truth is something else.

This is just a perception which people have formed in their minds and this is purely influenced by all those American TV programs. These programs feature tricky lawyers who pull the wool over the eyes of juries and judges and pressurize the prosecutor for cutting the deal. However, things are different in real life courts! There are 4 things that a criminal defense lawyer in Brisbane needs for defending a client successfully.

  • Experience and knowledge in the law
  • Ability of eloquently arguing
  • Proper preparation of the case
  • Persistence is needed, not aggressiveness

Knowledge and experience

This is a very essential factor. A thorough understanding of several aspects is needed as per the charge applied. A good criminal lawyer would quickly deal with all issues that arise in the court. Moreover, he would have all answers to the judge’s question. This ability of effectively responding to issues would not only satisfy the judge, but also give confidence to the client. Solid legal arguments would always make a lot of difference.

Good preparation

The lawyer must know what the civilian witnesses, expert witnesses and police are going to testify with. Other evidences are also needed. This not only helps in preparing effectively for the case, but also gives an advantage of quickly responding to this situation wherein witnesses contradict what she or he has stated in the previous testimony. Good lawyers can capitalize on contradictory evidences and this helps the client a lot. Virtual memorization of factual details is quite important. Thorough preparation is of utmost importance in defending the client who faces the criminal charges. The lawyer must be familiar with the facts and law as this develops a good foundation. Both these elements must be put together in the eloquent argument.  Don’t bully the prosecutor, jury or the judge in any way. Winning argument is always a persuasive, eloquent and knowledgeable one.

Persistence is necessary

There is no need of confusing aggressiveness and persistence. There is a BIG difference between the two.  Aggressive behavior outside or inside the courtroom just alienates the jury and the judges.  On the other hand, persistence puts forth the position of defense quite effectively. Now, along with these 3 factors mentioned above, it is important to deal with persistence, as successful results are yielded. When these 4 factors are present, a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer can definitely take advantages of all the opportunities successfully for representing the client in all the phases of his criminal charges.

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