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10 Second Tips and Tricks (For Counter-Strike Beginners)

Configure your machine

Your default or current settings on your machine are unlikely best csgo jackpot to be optimal for playing CS:GO. This guide is a decent starting point.

Configure your game settings
Some game settings universally make the game easier to play and others will help performance in relation to your specific hardware capabilities. This guide is a decent starting point.

Adjust your HUD for widescreen
If you play on a widescreen monitor consider adjusting your HUD (heads-up display) so it’s more central on the screen and therefore easier to glance at. To do this open CS:GO, click Options > Video Settings > HUD Size > reduce the Horizontal Alignment.

Find the right mouse sensitivity
The standard in game (not hardware or operating system) mouse sensitivity is normally too high by default. This YouTube video has a good guide for working out the best sensitivity for you.

Change your crosshair
The default crosshair isn’t necessarily the best configuration for your screen, setup or personal preference. Find the size, colour and style which works best for you. Here’s a tool to help you get started.

Use custom key binds
You can configure any key on the keyword with a different action so depending on your preferences it can highly advantageous to add additional keyboard commands or change the default keys to be more useful for example changing Q, which by default switches to your previous weapon, to be a shortcut to pulling out a flash grenade which is very useful.

Learn recoil control
Each gun in CS:GO with the exceptions of a few such as some of the snipers have a spray pattern. If you simply held down fire, or fire repeatedly, without moving the crosshair they typically don’t continue to fire where you’re aiming. Learn how to control that spray by learning the patterns and mouse movement needed to keep firing on your target. This workshop with recoil training guides can help a lot but note that whilst the pattern displayed is right the size of movement is only accurate on the wall at certain distances.

Practice crosshair placement
This YouTube video teaches you how placing your crosshair at the most likely spot where the head of an opponent will appear is one of the best way to improve your aiming and how to practice to “glue” your crosshair to the corner of the wall.