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Fashion show displays culture

Submitted by blueandred on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 20:42

Cerritos College is hosting it’s second annual International Education Week, sponsored by the Office of International Student Services, which started on Monday and will continue through Thursday with various events to enlighten students on different cultures.

Students, faculty, staff and administrators came together to put on a fashion show to showcase the history of Mexican fashion from the different regions of Mexico.

The fashion show is part of a series of events that Cerritos is conducting as a way for the college to bring light to international education.

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Submitted by fifamsn on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 20:35

Change of priorities,Given the best of fifa 16 coins all possible electoral worlds, he believes the national associations understand his priorities and will no longer feel under pressure from the second floor in the Home of FIFA on how to cast their votes.

Prince Ali said: “I’m probably the only candidate who does have support from all over the world. This is not a confederation election and I am much more confident this time in our national associations because I believe they feel there is a bit of a weight lifted off their shoulders.

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Submitted by fifamsn on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 20:28

So far 120 suspicious transactions have emerged but no Qatari officials have been questioned.Bin Hammam, an ex-fifa coins vice-president and Asian Football Confederation chief, has been a central figure in many allegations.

An OAG spokesman insisted: “The former head of the AFC is particularly welcome to deliver a statement.”Domenico Scala, head of audit watchdog, yesterday admitted: “We have to accept corruption is systemic in football. If we accept this, we can solve the problem.”

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Submitted by rudhomme on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 20:25

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Submitted by rudhomme on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 20:24

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