Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:
<strong>Supplier types</strong>:Manufacturer/Trade company/Personal
<strong>Supplier </strong><strong>Address</strong>: 6A/1, 1STFloor, Building No: 18/20 Opp.
Municipal School, Sindhi Lane, Near
C.P. Tank Road, Mumbai: 400004.INDIA
<strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+) 02266353205
<strong>Mobile number</strong>:(+)
<strong>Supplier description</strong>: Stainless Steel Impex is a company based in Mumbai, India and manufacture and supply piping products to oil, gas, petrochemicals and nuclear industries. Visit the websithttps://www.sangeetametal.come for wide range of products company involve.
<strong>Buyers, Please let us know,you get the info from ,you can get a Special Discounts.</strong>