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Guangdong Aili Test Instrument Co., LTD

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Supplier types:Manufacturer/Trade company/Personal Supplier Address: Telephone number:(+) 19976943163 Mobile number:(+)19976943163 Website: Certifications: Supplier description:JOEO was founded in 2002 by a team of engineers with extensive professional experience in the vibration test industry. Our success is based on providing affordable systems with the latest technology and providing timely response services. As a leading manufacturer of vibration shaker system. environment and reliability test equipment and a total solution provider in China, our business scope covers highend equipment research and development, test and inspection services, software development and system integration. Products and services are widely used in aerospace, aviation, ships, rail transit, automobiles, electronics and other fields. Buyers, Please let us know,you get the info from ,you can get a Special Discounts.
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