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<p>Clonazepam is a medication that helps to cure people who suffer from diseases like panic disorders and seizures. It belongs to the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. Clonazepam UK acts as a combination drug therefore a person may need it to take with other medications.<br /><br />It is available in the market under the brand name ‘KLONOPIN’.<br /><br /><strong>How does Clonazepam work?</strong><br />Clonazepam UK works by enhancing the level of Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).<br /><br /><strong>How do GABA works?</strong><br />This chemical works by sending signals throughout a person’s nervous system. Moreover, When a person takes Clonazepam, it boosts up the level of GABA in the body that eventually people have fewer panic attacks and seizures.<br /><br />Clonazepam is available in the market in two forms<br />Oral Tablets and dissolving tablets. Starting dose of clonazepam is 0.25 mg and doctors recommend it to take twice a day. But, Doctors can increase its dose up to 0.5 mg after 2 to 3 days.<br />Doctors prescribe this medication to people of the age group who are more than 18 years. This medication is also available for Children Prescribed dose for children is 0.5 mg and the Doctor prescribed it to take three times a day. <a href="">Buy Clonazepam UK</a></p>