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Fields of Hatred aren't purely PvP Diablo 4 Gold, however. Blizzard wants to encourage players to visit these areas regardless of whether they're PvP-minded or not. As such, Fields of Hatred also have a variety of PvE content within them. Monsters, events, and chests will be plentiful in Fields of Hatred, all of which rewarding Shards of Hatred, too. PvP could still occur at any second, however. But it gives PvE players the opportunity to experiment with the content.
PvE players won't be able to just sneak in, kill some monsters, and sneak out of a Field of Hatred, however. Shards of Hatred have to be purified within the zone before they can be used. This is done through a purification ritual, not unlike The Division's Dark Zone extractions. Once purified, Shards of Hatred can't be dropped. But until they're purified, a player will drop their unpurified Shards of Hatred to enemy PvPers.
Blizzard does give Diablo 4 PvE players some advantage against PvPers in the Fields of Hatred. Those who kill other players will appear on others' mini-maps. That way, those avoiding PvP can dodge these players and try to find others who may be less aggressive to try and do a purification ritual with.
The Diablo 4 trailer doesn't focus solely on Fields of Hatred and PvP, however. It also briefly touches on exploration and mounts. Some details about earning and collecting mounts are shared, as well as mount customization. Suffice to say, it's a lot like World of Warcraft. Players will be able to earn and collect mounts through a variety of means buy Diablo IV Gold. Blizzard wants players to explore, challenge themselves, and be rewarded for it. That's what Diablo 4 appears to be all about.