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What Are The Different Hydroponics Systems?

Submitted by Joealvin on Mon, 01/11/2021 - 00:22

Hydroponics is the new way of cultivating plants, without using soil. Hydroponic vegetation is planted in still growing media and supported with nutrient-rich ingredients that are important for plants like oxygen, and water. This system is better because it offers the standard quality of the plants and vegetation. When you grow the plant in the soil it derives nutrients from the water present in the soil. Whereas if the same plant is in water it gets the supply of rich nutrients and requires growth without extra efforts. The abundance of both the required factors helps in blooming the plants and let them grow excellently. So many advantages and convenience made them a good hobby option and if you want to try the same, go for the Home Hydroponics Kits to start a greener hobby. 

What is the science behind Hydroponics? 

Hydroponic systems work by providing micro-control over environmental circumstances like the play of warmth and cold along with pH balance. Not to mention nutrient-rich water. 

Hydroponics functions on a very simple logic: supplying the exact nutrients that are needed for growth. Hydroponics offers nutrient solvents explicitly formulated for the plant’s needs. They enable you to command the exposure to environmental factors such as temperature and sunlight. Apart from this, you can monitor the PH balance to take care of everything more on the minute level.  If this sounds interesting to you, buy Hydroponics Supplies Online to see splendid results. 

What are the different Hydroponics Systems? 

On a general level, there are six types of hydroponic systems you can pay attention to, following are the types

  1. Wick System

The wick system is one of a kind because it doesn’t rely on aerators, pumps, or electricity. Interestingly, it’s the unique hydroponic system that doesn’t necessitate the utilization of electricity. In most of the wick system, the plants are set directly in the nutrient-rich solvent. Check Hydroponics Near Me to begin the process. 

2. Water Culture

In this process, much-needed oxygen is transferred through the diffuser and stone. When you work on this system, pay special attention to the seedlings that should be nicely fastened on the net pots.

3. Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain)

Once you have planted, the grow bed will be pooled with a nutrient solution until the water comes a certain inches below the surface of the planting medium, which makes certain that the liquid doesn’t reach the overflowing level.

4. Drip Systems

The nutrient liquid that’s practiced with a drip method is transferred into a tube that transports the solution directly to the plant root. In the extreme end of the tube, an emitter is placed which controls the quantity of liquid that needs to be sent into the plant. 

5. N.F.T. (Nutrient Film Technology)

When you try one of these systems, the nutrient liquid is stored in a big tank. From that tank, the liquid is transported into particular channels that support the additional flow back into the tank.

6. Aeroponic Systems

With this type of system, the plants that you wish to grow will be dangled above. Some mist nozzles are placed below the plants for better hydration.

Start gardening today with the Hydroponics Kit India! Happy harvesting!