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Justin Sherman

Roger Staubach is one of the most popular   Football Winner Review  players ever to wear the Dallas Cowboys uniform.
The first weeks games provided some questionable, some scary, some predictable moments, and a couple of disappointments.

I'm going to start with the most the questionable. Detroit's Calvin Johnson apparent winning touchdown pass that was ruled an incomplete pass,which according to the rules,that was the right call. I don't know about the the specific rule since, I don't have a copy of the rule book, and honestly don't want one. But what I do know that if that catch is made anywhere else on field, Johnson had two feet down, a knee down, with the control of the football and he was touched by the defensive player.

That is catch. Pure and simple. Everyone, players, coaches, refs, fans, media, the family dog knows this. Evidently according to the "rule book", a player must not only have control the ball, he must have the ball in his hands when he gets up,(Johnson used the ball to prop himself up, then he lost it) runs to celebrate with his teammates, sits on the bench, with control of the football, and then and only then, is this a touchdown.