The English Setter is a medium-sized dog breed. The dog belongs to the setter group that includes the red Irish Setters, Irish Red and White Setters, and black-and-tan Gordon Setters. They are named so, as these dogs crouch low and helped the hunters to catch birds. English setters are still used as a hunting dog and also family companions.
English setters are sociable dogs. They are gentle, friendly, and placid dog but sensitive. The dog loves to give and receive affection. These dogs are known to be alert and protective guarding your families and territories. They are very active puppies that love to roam, dig and jump and enjoy the company of people and other dogs as well. Mellow out when fully mature!!!
English setter lifestyle & grooming:
The active English setter puppies require care and exercise. Hikers or joggers will find this breed goes with their lifestyle. Your dog has to get minimum exercise, long walk every day as without that it could be difficult for you to manage. However, one should take care of the exercise of the puppies or young English setter. The dog becomes fully mature after 12-14 mo. of age.
Quick facts about English setter:
The English setter has a white coat and intermingling darker hairs. The dog has a blue Belton, tricolor, orange Belton, lemon Belton, and liver Belton coat. It is rare to see Lemon and liver coat in this breed.
Some English Setters may drool, especially if they saw you eat or waiting for a treat.
Where to find out more about dogs?
Paws and Whiskers is a community of dog and cat lovers in London, the UK where you will find the right advice, stories, and even search for information online for your dog. We also have pet products that best fit your requirements and budget.
Come on in and explore Paws and Whiskers to find out everything in detail before you get a dog or a cat!!!