Tying in directly to the idea of meal frequency Resurge and eating 5-6 meals over the course of the day is meal size. Your 5-6 meals should be smaller meals with ideally each consisting of a lean protein and a complex carb. By smaller meals I mean 400-500 calories for men and 250-350 calories for women on average. Eating meals of this size allows your body to have completely digested the meal in by the time you are ready to eat again so you when you do eat again, you continue the burn calories and your body isn't forced to store any excess calories in the form of fat.
The last area I will look at is lean body mass. The higher percentage of lean body mass (muscle) that you possess, the faster your metabolism. Muscle takes more energy to maintain that fat. Thus the body will expend more calories to maintain muscle than it will fat, subsequently increasing your metabolic rate. The way to increase your lean body mass is to incorporate strength/resistance training into your workouts.
If you are trying to lose weight and you do not believe in yourself and/or in the fact that you can achieve your goals, you are sabotaging your success from the start. Actually having belief and a firm conviction that you can in fact accomplish what it is you are trying to do is an absolute must if you are going to be successful in losing weight. Belief is the starting point of all goal attainment and without it you are dramatically reducing the likelihood of actually reaching your goals.