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Schizophrenia - Remain Calm and Change Your Belief System

Submitted by Norberto on Mon, 10/05/2020 - 20:41

Every thought and feeling you have, ProMind Complex good or bad is, is controlled by your brain. If you feel tired it is your brains interpretation of the physical symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion. Fatigue, overwhelm, the inability to get things done as well as stress and depression are all factors controlled by our brain. Yet rarely do we see or hear discussions about the importance of mental fitness. We are bombarded by commercials, products and subliminal messages emphasizing the importance of physical fitness. However, when was the last time you saw a commercial about exercising, training or boosting your brain? Mental health and fitness is vital to absolutely everything we say and do but it is largely neglected. Here are five steps you can take to boost your mental fitness:

Put Your Brain On A Diet. Just like a good nutrition program helps accelerate weight loss and muscle building in athletes and fitness fanatics, the same goes for building your brain to extraordinary levels. Reduce sugar and caffeine in your diet - while they may give you temporary boosts, the long term negative health consequences should be avoided. In addition, avoid ingredients such as aspartame and hydrogenated oils.

The majority of people nowadays live in a world in which luxuries are everywhere; entertainment, transport, financial abundance, all of it is ever-present in most of western civilization. Nonetheless, the western world also deals with a great number of 'luxury' problems though, of which anxiety disorders are very common. The individuals suffering from this are inflicted by a bad self-image involving their wellbeing and social capabilities. Based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory, anxiety may be the consequence of repressed intolerable ideas and urges. Today's scientists do not take this particular explanation for granted any longer though; alternatively they center a lot more on scientific causes of anxiety symptoms.