Western medicine works according to this logic: medicines are manufactured to treat different symptoms in the same way in the most different people. Treatments to quit smoking are no different: medications to control anxiety, patches and chewing gum are the most common. The question is that what causes your anxiety, is not what causes the others. How are you going to take the same medicine? As conventional treatments often fail, ayurvedic medicine for addiction and Yoga are options for those who want to kick the habit, as they promote self-awareness, reduce anxiety and stress.
Ayurveda and addiction
Each person has a physical constitution, peculiar emotional aspects and a characteristic lifestyle, illnesses, addictions, feelings, etc. Ayurvedic medicine for addiction starts from this idea to care for its patients. Ayurveda treats the person, eliminating the disease completely. There is no secret against smoking.It is necessary to seek internal knowledge. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, each of them is composed of five elements: water, fire, earth, air and ether. Just as the composition of doshas varies from person to person, the proportion of each doshas within the individual also varies.
These different compositions define the peculiarities of individuals and characterize their uniqueness. People with a predominant Vata tend to be affected by other people's comments, are imponderable and uncertain. Due to this original insecurity, beings of this nature may find it more difficult to deal with smoking, which does not prevent them from being able to kick the habit. If the person knows himself well, he will know that he had difficulties different from the others and he will look for a specific treatment for his problem.
Force that comes from within
Understanding these original imbalances is essential to treat any problem, including smoking and drinking alcohol. In this sense, meditation proves to be very efficient as it works with the expansion of consciousness and self-knowledge. With a greater understanding of yourself, it is much easier to have control over your body, your wills and actions. Quitting smoking will not be as difficult as it sounds. And with ayurvedic medicines this will be a matter of time. In the fight against addiction, the biggest role is up to intelligence, perseverance, courage and firmness.
Meditation and ayurvedic medicine can help the smoker to quit. However, the smokerneeds to want to overcome the addiction. He must aim for change andhe must try to understand the reasons that led him to seek the cigarette. The key to the problem is to find out what made the smoker take the first drag.We must look inside ourselves and try to see the real causes of our difficulties. For the complete detoxification of the body, you may take ayurvedic medicine to stop the addiction. From two or three months your body will be purified of toxic substances.To treat the withdrawal syndrome, there are also ways in Ayurveda. Remember, ayurvedic medicine works effectively and leaves no side effects.
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