Essentially the by-product of cheese-making process, whey is a nutritive protein source. It is derived through ultra-filtration process and is turned into a powder to work as a promising muscle building supplement. In the ultra-filtration process, all the milk solids are filtered but not the nutrients. Since, it contains less than 5% of milk solids, thus it is a perfect choice for all those bodybuilders and athletes who are allergic to lactose.
Whey protein is indeed a promising muscle gain formula. As for Whey protein effectiveness in muscle building & repair, whey protein supplement market will be turning nearly into an $11 million industry.
Whey is a complete protein since it contains all essential amino acids that are the building blocks of muscles. With high bioavailbility, it gets quickly absorbed in the body and starts to work in less time. Further, for its high absorbance, it is recommended to be taken post-workout. As post a muscle crunching workout, the muscles turn into a catabolic state and need immediate nutrition. Whey infuses muscles with instant nutrition and maintains their hard-earned mass. It prevents the action of catabolic enzymes and maintains energy level that is lost during exercise regime. Keep on reading to know more benefits of whey protein usage:
- It helps increasing muscle mass to boost muscle growth.
- It contains all essential amino acids, thus works effectively in fulfilling protein needs that are missed in your diet.
- It helps shedding fat while increasing fat free mass. Hence, it is a perfect pick for building a sculpted frame.
- Intake of whey enhances muscles endurance, strength and boosts performance at gym.
- Rich in anti-oxidants, it enhances immune system strength and protects the body from diseases & infection.
- Another best aspect of whey is that it ensures faster repairing of damaged muscles and recovery of muscles post strenuous exercise & athletic schedules.
Apart from this, one can choose whey protein in accordance with their health & fitness needs as there are 3 types of whey protein supplements, i.e, whey concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates.
Whey Protein Concentrate: Extracted from cheese making process, whey concentrates have nearly 29 to 89 percent of protein content. With lower protein content, the amount of fat & lactose goes high. It tastes fine and is available at budget-friendly price.
Whey Protein Isolates: Whey concentrates are cross-filtered to extract isolates. Cross membrane filtration is an expensive process, thus isolates are costlier. Isolates are further extracted & processed form of concentrates, hence all fat & lactose is filtered, but without any effect on protein content. These have 90-95 percent pure whey protein with lower fat, nearly 0.5-1.0% & lactose 0.5-1.0% content. This way, it is a better option for people who are allergic to lactose.
Whey Hydrolysate: WPH is prepared when large protein polypeptides in the whey protein are made break down into much shorter chains, i.e, di- and tripeptides. Hence, hydro whey is easily digested and absorbed in the intestine at a faster pace. There are no allergic reactions with Hydrolysate. Since, it extracted from a thorough process, hence WPH is the most expensive form. But, drawback of WPH is that it has a bitter or acidic taste. It is specially treated to be easily soluble and mixable in water and other beverages. WPH has nearly 90% of protein content, with 0.5-10% of lactose and 0.5-8% of fat content.
One of the most appreciated aspects of whey is that it tends to digest faster and get quickly absorbed in the body. This makes whey proteins most suitable and perfect to be consumed post-workout recovery. It can be used in combination with egg & casein protein powders too.