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A Good Workout Routine

Submitted by sagasan on Mon, 04/11/2016 - 01:56

I truly believe that our bodies are the first wonder of the world but in order to be at peak physical condition, our bodies need to be challenged. If you go out for you walk three times a week at the same slow pace, your heart will get used to that pace and will not be challenged to work harder or The Flab Blaster Review to grow so much. As soon as you challenge a muscle in your body to perform and to work harder than usual, it will grow and become stronger. If you never challenge it, most likely it will begin to shrink and grow weaker. To me, that's what makes our bodies the first wonder of the world. It is so amazing and complex, that it will try it's best to do our bidding. In other words, if we ask little of it, that's exactly what we'll get.

Take for example, someone who is suddenly relegated to a wheelchair forever because of a very bad accident. As the weeks and months pass, that person's arms, wrists, and shoulders will no doubt grow bigger and stronger. That's because that person's body is taking up the challenge of those arms and shoulders having to propel that wheelchair on a daily basis. On the other hand, that person's legs will get smaller. The muscles will shrink as they will become victim of atrophy, or lack of use. The body senses no need for those muscles, bones, and tendons, and as a result sees no need to make them stronger. So now, go back to your three times a week walk. Instead of doing "all" your walking at the same slow, steady pace, try something different.