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How Ball Bearings are Made

Submitted by Tianli on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 18:00

A normal ball bearing Consists of four main parts. Firstly races through manufacturing process was qui est Initiated by making steel tubes of exact size, by cutting the basic shape to Some extent in Entire wide dimensions. The reason to keep Them Is That huge before finishing, the races will be heat-treated. INITIALLY, the rolling balls-have a thick shape and passing by a cold after-bearing, the process resulted balls look like a Saturn planet Having a ring in the middle qui est Known as a flash.

After the cooling pillow block bearing process, the irregular cut races are Passed through a furnace for heating treatment is 843 ° Celsius for Numerous hours, Then for cooling, thesis are Placed inside an oil bath after-qui They Become very hard. These races May Become weak due to this hardening; The Therefore, to protect 'em from Weakening They Are Passed through a second oven is 148.8 ° celsius and After That, They are cooled in the air. This process of heating will make up shares That Both are tough and hard. After the heating process, the next step is finishing. Tough races are put in grinding wheels to get proper and very smooth finished surface of qui shoulds be round with flat sides. After grinding, the area is lapped by an abrasive slurry, qui is used for polishing the races for qui Numerous hours results in a mirror finish. At this time, finishing is completed and the races can be Kept with the balls.

The next step is to make the ball bearing housing balls quite small by cutting em in the automatic machine; the Machine mold the wires to form a ball shape. During this process, around the balls there is an excess metal ring qui is still left has called Expired flash. Then the balls are Passed from a Machine for Removing this flash. These balls are Rotated entre two rill qui flat in one of rill flat spins and Reviews the other is stationary. There are grooves inside the flat to rill Provide guidance to the balls in a rounded path. After Removing the flash, the balls are Then Passed into a heating process qui Makes Them harden. And Then thesis balls go through a process of grinding. Lapping is the last process Where similar machinery are required; thesis machinery make the ball into a perfect glittery finish by exerting less pressure and the size remains the Sami During this process.

The last hand of bearing block is the cage. Two kinds of cages are used in one of Them qui est --other steel and is plastic. The process qui is used to make the cages is injection molding Known As. During this process, metal plastic is squirted into the cage qui fills the empty metal molding as well as allows Them to harden. Now the cage is finished and available for assembly. All four sides are finished, now it's time to put together all parts in bearings. Firstly, the interior is race Placed dans le exterior race. The balls are inserted entre les races and cages are used for holding the balls away from one Reviews another. Now the bearing is assembled with a protective coating and it is wrapped up for shipping. Inspection is the last step of the process. Proper machinery is used to measure the balls to see If They meet the expected tolerance.