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Blade And Soul Daily Quests (40)limit

Submitted by mmogaa on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 21:02

Hey all,

I want to talk about the Daily Quest limitation all players have, currently you can only do 40 Daily quests, personally for end-game players I feel like this is on the low side, I always end up not being able to do some dailies I wanted to do.

My Daily routine (numbers might be off a bit I don't know the exact amount of quests some dungeons have, but usually I do them all)

Arena Dailies, (5 total)

PvP Dailies (faction, 13 total)

E. Fleet Blackram Supply Chain (6 total)

Nightshade Harbor (7 total)

Mushins Tower (2 total)

(blue) Moonwater Plains dungeons (4 total)

Other dungeons (3 total)

That's total 40, with consideration I haven't even begon doing Naryu Temple.

My Suggestion:

To add additional room for Daily Quests for high level players as they actually need it.

With every patch, and new content there come more and more and more and more quests to do.

What to change:

Default Limit: 40

Level 40: 45

Level 45 HM1: 50

Level 45 HM5: 55

Why the difference in HM1 and HM5 you ask? even though they are basically same level and have same quests...

The difference is because most players at HM1 can't do Naryu Temple or Nightshade Harbor yet.

Nightshade Harbor usually kicks in at HM1 / HM2

Naryu Temple you can only do when you've done Nightshade Harbor and usually kicks in at HM2 - ish.

HM5 players have basically everything unlocked and also do them all for Naryu Silver and other valuable items.

That's why they would require more Daily Quest slots compared to HM1.

What are your thoughts about the Daily Quest cap?

I need to do those dungeons for Small Dragon Certificate, which in turn I need to buy soulstone pouches with Zen Beans.

So they are mandatory for me.

About the Blade & Soul Gold income in the game part, I agree I understand that there must be a cap to prevent people abusing it to farm BNS Gold.

There's an easy fix for that, just make the Dailies for E.Fleet, Nightshade and Naryu a seperate category, since they don't count as gold farming, basically all items you get from that are untradable.

And even so, the ones who get the extra cap limit don't farm gold that much but mostly do those 3 24man instances I mentioned, because you need them for upgrading wep&acc etc.

Didn't knew Mushin gave certificate thanks for the info.

But yes i'm not only doing the arena dailies, I also do arena whenever I feel like to, so my zen beans income is a bit higher then my certificate income.

Besides that, you got a good point about the certificates though.

But they are also required for Clan Crafting.

There is ofcourse no harm in skipping 1 or 2 blue dungeons often to save some cap space.

I do agree with you at some point but I think every game needs some limitations to prevent abusing, not everyone is the same, and we also have to consider gold sellers who use bots to do dailies in order to farm blade and soul gold .