Winning is not guaranteed by poker bot companies, although some poker bot makers strongly advertise their winning capabilities. Poker bots are legal, but there are some poker sites that don't allow players to use them. If a poker Swarm Intelligence bot is detected on a site that does not allow their use, the site will confiscate all winnings, as well as any money deposited in the account and will ban the player from the site There are new poker sites popping up daily and many of them condone the use of bots and even pay companies a commission to sell them to players. Some poker sites use poker bots to keep the tables in play during slow times or to fill a table when there are just a couple of real players playing.
Most poker players who invest in a poker bot want to win and make money. Marketing companies that sell bots claim a player can go from rags to riches using a poker bot, but most of the inexpensive bots on the market are not worth the investment. In order to find the right bot to win money, the first step is to do some research. All poker bots are not created equal, after all, they are software programs and they are only as good as the information that was used to program them. Most programmers understand the game, but if they knew how to win big money consistently, they would be playing, not building programs. There are other programs that are worth the investment because they have been designed by groups of University students who have share knowledge about different aspects of the game. Those groups, as well as others are creating great poker bots that keep getting better every year. Poker bots are not far behind new backgammon and chess bots that are designed to win every game and are almost unbeatable.