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Con el anuncio wow gold de World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, fue revelado que el Portal Oscuro iba a ser reabierto e iba a ser el principal mtodo de viajar hacia Outland. En preparacin para la expansin, Blizzard estreno el parche 2.0.1, "Antes de la Tormenta", que preparo ciertas reas del mundo original para la expansin. Tambin agreg cambios al mapa, nuevos NPCs y los mtodos de transportacin a las capitales de las nuevas razas, los demonios fueron removidos de alrededor del Portal Oscuro, y fue remplazado por lo que parece un campamento base de ambos la Horda y la Alianza.

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The exhibit is also a great stop if you're looking for gifts. Ornaments cost $10, or you can get train sets (everything from Thomas the Tank Engine to the Polar Express) starting at about $100. You can even be part of the show: For $175 $325, you can buy a railcar (standard car, caboose or engine) which will be painted to your specifications and become part of the exhibit, and returned to you once it closes.

Gourzong told IRIE FM in an interview Wednesday, "We didn't wait until she won. From she entered (The Voice) and it was either the second or third week that we started to talk with her people. I kind of figured that, way way back as somebody that was going to one day, really turn this industry upside down.

Still running strong. As anyone familiar with the current hard drive market will tell you, right now the major manufacturers (WD seagate) have horrible problems with yields and quality control in the large drive segment (>1TB). Failure rates are appalling (above 20% for all manufacturers) and in some batches they can reach 30% or 40%.

"GTA Online" already has a big user base as most of the 33 million customers who purchased "GTA 5" have played its multiplayer mode. Take Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games and Rockstar North, also reported that a majority of its digital revenue came from the cash cards purchased from the open world action adventure game. The rumored upcoming "GTA 5" releases on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One should also help expand on the user base, giving the company a bigger financial boost..

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