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FFXIV Anima question for 240

Submitted by ffxivfans on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 18:35

So while I collected my unidentifiables I didn't do the tower quests to get my oils and refuse to spend any esos unless on umbrite.

My question is, what should I use my poetics for ? I'm not sure what the Ulan side of things are ? Does he give me items out of the set he wants randomly or can I just keep giving him superior enchanted ink and mist to get the sands?

Just looking at the quickest way to do this while I wait for the aether oils.

Another quick way to get sands is to farm leves for the amber encased vileken. You don't need to complete the leve, just pop it and fly around looking for a chest. If you find one, awesome. Pick up your amber. Abandon the leve and retry it again. Rinse and repeat.

Fuck for some reason I was under the impression you only needed 1 moon stone for one crystal sand. I have 28 moon stones and 28 umbrite saved up. Looks like I'm a lot farther behind than I thought I was. Good thing I started investing in mists and inks.

If you're a crafter/gatherer then blue FFXIV Power leveling scrips can be used to buy sands. 250 blue scrips of either type will get you one.

Gathering scrips are quite easy to get. I don't recommend crafter scrips unless you are already loaded.

As to what your poetics should be used for: get the unidentifiable stuff first for your relic! if that's already done then 490 can go for 5 Superior enchanted Ink/Thavnairian mists which also buy one sand.