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Storyline is something that one normally

Submitted by menglanfen on Mon, 06/27/2016 - 17:35

Storyline is something that one normally doesnt focus on during a sports game, yet FIFA 17 sports-based movies like Miracle and Invincible are very popular in Hollywood. FIFA 17, similarly, has found the correct way to promote the story of your characters and teams in the sports video game genre. Using an impressive set of algorithms, FIFA twists and pulls statistics to find what makes your squad exceptional and interesting in the current point of their career. Then it tells that story through overlays and voice overs. Just because it seems harder to score this year doesnt mean that the incredible goals which FIFA 17 is known for have disappeared


I have had a good number of Fifa Coins goals that made my jaw drop, and even goals that sound fairly mundane when describing them can have a massive impact. Such as the time Michael Carrick bulldozed past two defenders, leap like a salmon and powered a header into the bottom left corner, it sounds like a fairly boring goal but in that moment it looked amazing. By that I mean one gets the sense that the IA components have actually been given more autonomy. An example might be a player suddenly going down whilst under pressure, whereas previous installments had more set mechanisms for this which players gradually learn over time. A lack of tight gameplay elements can make for some dramatic moments but this also leads to bizarre occurrences which are not exactly glitches but feel annoying and out of place.


The aforementioned frustrations Fifa 17 Coins soft fouls, overpowered crossing - become more of a problem online. Tweaks can be patched in, but those who have grown frustrated with FIFAs of the past are unlikely to feel any different this year. Passing is precise, dribbling is more responsive than ever, but as hinted at previously, EA has a habit of giving with one hand and taking with the other. Unless you want to part with chunks of real-world cash in exchange for packs of cards containing Gold-rated players, increasing your spending power often takes many games