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Global Tea Market By Type, Region, Companies, & Forecast By 2021 - 2026

Tea is one of the prevalent and lowest costs of beverages consumed globally. The rising demand for tea is considered one of the significant components for the worldwide beverage market growth. The major tea producing countries are China, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya and Indonesia. These countries are the most important producers globally, representing almost 75% of world production. According to Renub Research, the Global Tea Market is expected to be US$ 71.784 Billion by the year 2026.

United States Anaphylaxis Market, End Users, Forecast By 2021 - 2027

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal allergic reaction. It is a life-threatening reaction with respiratory, cardiovascular, cutaneous, or gastrointestinal manifestations. The bulk habitual anaphylactic reaction is caused by foods, insect stings, medications and latex. People with hypersensitive to things in their environment, their immune responses overreact to an antigen by discharging chemicals that cause allergy reaction. Anaphylaxis food reaction could be vital and cause death if the prior management not taken.

Milk Powder Market Global Forecast By Segment, Company Analysis

Milk powder is an instant source to make milk for those who lack refrigeration process in keeping the milk. Besides, it is easy to carry while travelling and can be easily used by just mixing water with it. Currently, the demand for processed and packaged food item among young people is more due to their busy schedule and easy availability of ready-to-drink beverages in the global market, driving the milk powder market. According to Renub Research, Global Milk Powder Market is expected to be US$ 42 Billion by 2027.

United States Cheese Market by Product, Companies, Forecast By 2027

The United States Dairy market has been changing extensively after the millennium's change with surging demand for milk and dairy products. In the United States, milk production has increased, and a large part of this expansion has been used to increase cheese production across the region. The United States dairy industry is booming at a rapid pace. As per our research, America Cheese Market was worth US$ 30 Billion in 2020.

Global Plywood Market By Countries, Company Analysis, Forecast By 2027

Plywood is a type of wood panel manufactured from thin sheets of wood veneer. It is used as a beat substitute to the wood boards due to its durability to shrinkage, cracking and twisting. Different plywood types are available in the market, designed with low toxicity, enhanced durability, aesthetics and environmental sustainability. Due to these properties plywood’s are used in construction and flooring applications for enhanced mechanical strength. It also provides enhanced insulation properties to the final product and is mostly weather and waterproof.

United States Generic Drugs Market By Segment, Company Analysis, Forecast By 2026

Generics are an off-patented drug that is pharmaceutical equivalents to branded medicines in term of administrative dosage, quality, effect, intended use and side effects. In the United States, generic drug production has increased because it is cheaper than any branded medicine. From the last 3 decades, U.S generic drug market has transformed from less than 20% of generic drug prescription to 80% of dispensing generic medicine prescriptions. As per the Renub Research report, United States Generic Drugs Market will be US$ 239.5 Billion by 2026.

United States Smart Home Market by Application, Companies, Forecast By 2026

Smart homes are a term used for a wide range of solutions to monitor, control, and automate purpose in a home. The smart home system needs a smartphone application or web portal to interact with an automated system as a user interface. Smart homes appliances and devices can be perpetually controlled, far away from any internet-connected place using a mobile or other networked device. With the smart home's arrival, the desire for convenience has created a revolutionary new market in the United States.

United States Real Estate Market By Segments, Category, Forecast By 2027

The United States is one of the most developed countries across the globe. Real-estate is playing a pivotal role in the U.S. economy. The overall US economic activity determines the demands of real estate, which influences the market of residential and the commercial real estate property. As per the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in October 2020, the sale of an existing home hit its highest level since 2006. According to Renub Research new report, United States Real Estate Market is expected to reach USD 1,751 Billion by 2027.

Global Pasta Market By Type, Regions, Companies, Forecast By 2026

Pasta is often related as traditional Italian cuisine. Italy produced around 1.4 Million tons of Pasta in 2018 and exported 1.7 million tons in the same year that marked Italy largest consumer of Pasta in the world that year. In the United States, the National Pasta Association promotes and informs policy to the industry, consumers, and the regulatory bodies across the globe. America is also one of the top 10 consumers of Pasta globally. According to Renub Research latest report, the Global Pasta Market is expected to reach USD 21.2 Billion by 2026.

Protein Ingredient Market By Products, Regions, Global Forecast By 2027

Protein ingredients consist of amino acids; they play an essential component of the human body. Due to the rapid growth of the world population, the growing demand for protein ingredients as functional and nutritional food ingredients regarding healthy diet and nutrition among the consumers is likely to work as agents in the forecast period for the growth of the protein ingredients industry. According to Renub Research, Global Protein Ingredient Market is projected to reach US$ 73.7 Billion by 2027.


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