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What does Disclosure and Barring Service mean?

 It is not possible for every company to have a good recruitment processor as it is very expensive. A company has to set the recruitment process in accordance with the budget of the company. And it depends company to company how sending their recruitment process. Disclosure and bearing service help these small companies to hire the people which are suitable for the company. Small companies have less authentic recruitment process that means they do not verify clearly about the employees they just ask for few details and the applicant gets the job.

Can I view my DBS certificate online?

DBS check is done for the verification of the employee so that an employer can decide that it is a good decision to hire a particular candidate or not. Various filters considered by the DBS service providers and also some filters which are not at all considered. For small companies who cannot afford to have a good recruitment procedure it can take the help of DBS. It is really important for a company to know that if a candidate holds any criminal record for any kind of offence or not. Avoiding on such issue from the company can have serious impact on their company.

“Time in class and money for tuition and cost of time for PCO training.

If a driver is looking to apply for the PCO license then he needs to attend particular training classes so that he can crack the various test conducted by transport for the London department. The first step towards getting a PCO license is filling the PCO driver application form and having 3 years of experience with license. If the person fails to submit all the required documents and clear the test and his PCO license can be rejected.

Can an employer schedule a 2-hour shift?

An employee gets shift and then the shift is changed that is extended or shortened or removed. Sometimes and employees expected to be present on the days of holidays and if he report on those ships then he will be paid otherwise not. Some company also pay for the overtime and some do not.When an employee is not called but his shift suddenly generated then the employee is paid according to the hours or full shift whichever is less. This can happen on the weekend holidays and some festivals like Christmas.

Complete the application form on the TFL Website

 Whenever a driver has completed 3 years of driving experience and nice-looking to work as private hire for a big taxi company then he needs to apply for a PCO driving license. A driver can only apply for a PCO license training in London only after he has three years of driving experience. You should also holder driving experience with license.There are other various tests also that a driver is required to clear to get a PCO license. Just planning and filling the form will not help the driver to get the PCO license.

Do Uber drivers pay tax UK?

 Uber licence has become so popular in many countries that people have totally forgot in the other means of transport like taxi. Uber spread around the world even where The other taxi companies were not able to reach. Driver drawing super he has the opportunity around the globe and therefore everyone having their own car wants to join the uber. Uber do not hire employees but instead the drivers are the partner of uber. Uber give the large flexibility to the drivers of working hours.

How much does it cost to become a taxi driver?

 Any person driver with experience planning to become a taxi driver need to know that it cost a lot of money to become a taxi driver. Becoming a taxi driver is different from becoming a private hire driver. Private hire drivers do not need to spend on the maintenance of the car all the investment of the car and of the driver is of the big taxi company like uber. A taxi driver need to have their own taxi that means they need to purchase the taxi and also need to get the license of taxi driver. A taxi driver also needs to maintain the insurance of the taxi.

Approved center of your choice from the approved topographical assessment centers.

Before a driver gets in the center for the topographical test he needs to complete many formalities. First of all, the driver should check if he is eligible to apply for the PCO driver application for that his age should be at least 21 years or more than that and should have at least three years of driving experience with a proper license. After that, he needs to fill the application form by visiting the Transport for London authority website and should also pay the fees.


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