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Website ADA Compliance
Website Ada Compliance Audit refers to the conformance of websites to the standards for accessible design for websites, which require all public-facing websites to be accessible to people with disabilities. Ensuring ease of access to website content for people with disabilities is the underpinning premise for website ADA compliance.


Section 508 Website Compliance Certification
Section 508 website compliance certification summarizes a website's level of compliance on a specific date in accordance with Section 508 standards or the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Statement of Accessibility, Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) Statement, and WCAG Conformance Claim are the three types of certification that subsist.

Why Digital Accessibility is important in education?

Digitization is creating endless learning opportunities. It accelerates the learning process and provides chances to explore the most unprecedented ideas. All the digital textbooks, online courses, and e-learning material have to be accessible to every student. To make sure that every student is getting benefits from future education technology, adhering to the ADA norms is essential. As the new phase of learning gained momentum, the number of lawsuits related to ADA accessibility guidelines also increased.


ADA Accessibility Healthcare is the Law
Health is a basic human right. This means that everyone should be able to get the healthcare they require, when and where they need it, and without financial hardship. Accessibility in healthcare is not only ethically important, but it’s the law. While many people in the United States struggle to get access to quality healthcare, the situation becomes more complicated for people with disabilities who are unable to interact with websites and other online platforms in the way that most people do.

Why Digital Accessibility is important in education?

Digitization is creating endless learning opportunities. It accelerates the learning process and provides chances to explore the most unprecedented ideas. All the digital textbooks, online courses and e-learning material have to be accessible to every student. To make sure that every student is getting benefits from future education technology, adhering to the ADA norms is essential.

Best Section 508 Compliance Testing Tools & Checklists

The digital presence of your business makes it easy for your offerings to reach the disabled population. On the other hand, the increasing number of disabled users in the country makes your business vulnerable to digital accessibility lawsuits, especially with serial litigant law firms, looking to profit off of such ADA lawsuits. ADA and Section 508 guidelines cover a lot of technical offerings such as software, hardware, electronic documents and more.

Ways to Create 508 Compliance

Procrastination about ADA 508 compliance is costing individuals, businesses, and organizations a lot of money. Have you heard about the many lawsuits that are being filed against businesses and how expensive they are?
I've been researching the number of lawsuits brought and won against people, businesses, and organizations for failing to comply with Section 508 compliance standards, and the numbers are mind-boggling!

How Do You Conduct An Accessibility Audit?

You are probably reading this post because your business has a digital presence and you are worried about being vulnerable to legal recourse and penalties. Due to the rising number of lawsuits, “website accessibility” has become a hot topic for all sizes of businesses. The public consciousness for ADA compliance is indeed increasing at a greater pace, unfortunately, the website development practices are far away from achieving the desired level of accessibility.

Is My Website ADA Compliant? How to Check Your Site

ADA lawsuits are on the rise and expanding at a record breaking pace. The rising number of accessibility lawsuits puts emphasis on the need for Websites Ada Compliant. These audits involve a series of thorough inspections to make your website ADA compliant. The biggest brands like Amazon, Dominos and Nike have faced legal repercussions for violating the ADA titles and have been forced to pay steep fines.


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