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WoW, Classic Servers Down? How To Check Status

Submitted by xhy082801 on Mon, 04/03/2023 - 18:00

A step-by-step help guide to checking the server status of WOTLK Classic Gold (WoW) Classic for Vanilla, Burning Crusade, and WotLK

World of Warcraft (WoW), in the latest expansion to new Classic releases for example Wrath from the Lich King (WotLK), maybe the undying MMORPG that never dies. With every release, WoW sees an influx of players, and with it, some server issues might occur. If you are wondering when the WoW Classic servers are down, you've arrived at the right place.

This article answers that burning question for all those unable to log into World of Warcraft and features step-by-step instructions to determine the WoW Classic server status.

Are WoW Classic Servers Down?

If you can't connect to the WoW Classic servers for either Vanilla, Burning Crusade or Wrath from the Lich King in Europe or even the US, then you definitely might wonder if they're down.

At the time of writing, the WoW Classic servers aren't down. This could, however, change at a moment's notice if unscheduled maintenance or server issues occur.

Before going all IT Crowd on your PC or router, we recommend checking their status first to make sure there are no difficulties with the WoW Classic servers. Our next section has you covered.

How To Check WoW Classic Server Status

You can easily check the server status for WoW Classic in Europe, North America, South America, Korea, Taiwan, and Oceania through the official Realms page for World of Warcraft.

Follow the hyperlinks below to determine the server World of Warcraft server status effortlessly across all regions and versions:

Europe Realm Status

Americas & Oceania Realm Status

Korea Realm Status

Taiwan Realm Status

Alternatively, you should use the third-party DownDetector website page. Here, you are able to report any outages and appearance if another medication is experiencing World of Warcraft connection issues.

If the servers aren't down for maintenance or perhaps an unexpected outage, but you are able to connect with WoW Classic, we recommend contacting Blizzard's customer support for your region.

So that's it, a simple, step-by-step guide answering the question of "are the wotlk classic gold servers down?" and information on how to determine the game's server status across Vanilla, Burning Crusade, and Wrath from the Lich King.

As always, we recommend connecting your PC or laptop to your router using a LAN cable rather than Wi-Fi for the top possible experience of any online title.