Vegetarian diet or meatless diet has become aProVen+ Review lifestyle along with the increase of health awareness of people and the rising incidence of diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits. The term, vegetarian meaning "with or without egg or dairy products" was introduced in 1847 by an Englishman, Joseph Brotherton. At this moment, the number of vegetarian communities is growing all over the world.
There are many reasons why people decide to live a life without meat consumption. Aside from the health benefit, other reasons are religion, moral, tradition, environment, esthetics and taste.
A lot of evidences show that being a vegetarian has many health benefits, like rejuvenating and long life effect, the increase of health quality, and significantly reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases. Many scientific studies conclude that vegetarians possess a healthier life and live longer than other people. So, this is really something to consider.