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Why Brand Storytelling is the Future of Marketing

Welcome to MarketAPeel, where we tell brand stories to audiences with market appeal. I am glad you are here to learn about what brand storytelling is and how you can tell your brand story with more impact. I assume you want to connect with potential customers and create a brand story to guide people from awareness to advocacy of your brand. If I'm right, you've come to the right place and I am happy to help you. If not, there is lots of information on this site written by various experts to help you create an appealing life, career, or business.

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I've searched out the Internet, asked business owners, marketers, and professionals what brand storytelling is and how a brand can make an impact on their audience. There is more than you think to telling a brand story, this article will give you a general idea of what it is and what you need to do to tell your brand's story.

Brand Storytelling and the Bigger Strategy

There are many pieces and parts that come together to tell a bigger brand story. It is easy for all those pieces to end up disconnected, fracturing the brand story and leaving audience members confused about what you do and how you can help them. This is why you need a larger strategy that brings in different marketing theory, processes, and platforms.

You need to bring in content marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, advertising, publicity, SEO, and different platforms to guide audiences from awareness to advocacy.

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Why Tell a Brand Story?

“Why tell a brand story?” Brands need to tell stories to draw people in and captivate them. Studies show that our attention span is less than a goldfish, but this isn’t true. We have an attention span and can focus on things for longer than a New York minute. We just take a fraction of a second to determine if we want to pay attention to the thing in front of us, before moving onto the next interesting thing vying for our attention. With so many brands competing for eyeballs on a small screen, audiences have an infinite amount of content to cast aside when looking for something interesting. Due to marketers and advertisers using the same data to create their content and copying each other, it’s easy for people to swipe for the “NEXT” because we’ve seen it all before. Complete Brand Storytelling Guide

What is Brand Storytelling?

Brand Storytelling is a messaging strategy to connect a brand with an audience using a variety of channels and approaches. It starts with understanding who the brand is, what it wants to be known for, and then telling stories around how everything associated with the brand is exemplifying the core message. If you and everyone who touches your brand doesn’t know your story’s core message – You have a problem.

One of the things many brand specialists tell me is people come to the to get a logo because they don’t understand what a branding is or what the definition of the word brand is. This article is a deep dive into what branding is and what business owners need to know about creating a brand.

My Definition

To me. A company is an independent entity. A person has a personality and so does a company. Like a person has values, so does a company. Like a person has a voice, so does a company. Like a person has an image, so does a company. The brand is the essence of the company and their interaction with the marketplace. Things like logos and websites are the clothes the brand wears, not the brand itself.

How the Experts Define Brand

Seth Godin’s definition of brand describes it as “a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, put together, impact a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

Marty Neumeier’s definition in his book Brand A-Z, where he defines every word associated with Branding. "A Brand is a customer's perception of a product service or company, a corporate reputation."

Read More What Others Say About Brand

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