If you have diabetes, high blood sugar (that needs to be maintained carefully if you're diabetic) causes nerve and blood vessel damage that can be painful. This effects many processes in the body -- sexual response being one of them. Damage to blood vessels inhibits the release of nitric oxide; a lack of nitric oxide results in constricted blood vessels which restricts blood flow to the penis. Studies have also shown that almost 70 percent of diabetic adults have high blood pressure and/or regularly take blood pressure medication.
The combination of diabetes and heightened blood pressure increases the risk for damage to the blood vessels which further reduces blood flow. A few choices that men suffering from diabetes make -- such as smoking -- reduce blood flow throughout the body, as well as feeling badly about your health. Even if you suffer from diabetes, living a healthy and positive lifestyle can keep your diabetes under control and treat ED if it happens to you. According to the research, prior to the onset of diabetes type 2, people will always pass the pre diabetes stage. Diabetes type 2 is the most common form of diabetes which usually affects the middle-aged persons.
Pre-diabetes is the condition where the blood sugar level of the person is higher than normal although not high enough to be considered as a case of diabetes. It was found out those individuals that gets less than six hour of sleep at night is at higher risk of developing the pre-diabetes, the condition is being characterized by the impaired fasting of glucose earlier to the actual diagnosis of the disease. It was estimated that there are approximately 60 million people in America that have pre-diabetes. And this surprising count is still worsening because of the young adults and adolescents that are developing the disease.